Page 132 of Giovanna
“Did you manage to get Sammy to take you through what she remembers?”
Elio nods. “Yeah, she’s pretty shook up though. Did great to remember what she did, but poor girl isn’t from our world…she describes four bikies pulling up and entering the gym still wearing their helmets. They drew their weapons and were shooting pretty indiscriminately. Sounds like they wanted to scare everyone. The three guys they took out were all looking to be heroes, RIP. She said Cheska saved her life. Got her away from the front desk and found her a hiding spot, but then had to go find somewhere for herself. The most interesting thing she said was that just before Ches was shot, Sammy saw an older guy in a suit walk past her. He had a gun too. She thinks it was him who pulled the trigger on our girl because she heard him say he ‘got her’ and he had an Italian-Australian accent…”
“What are the police thinking?” I know that Matty’s contacts in the police will be sharing information with him.
“Chasing the bikie angle. They’ve got no reason to suspect we have internal problems. They’re trawling CCTV and they’re pretty sure that it is Sons of Satan based on the bikes. Can’t imagine the Sydney chapter wanting to burn their relationship with us though.”
I’m scraping the last of the chicken salad from the bowl when my phone rings.
“Everything okay?” I answer.
“Francesca knows who shot her,” Massimo’s voice is low like he is trying not to be overheard.
“What?! Who was it?” My heart races, I should never have left the hospital. I should have stayed with her and made her tell me what she knows.
“It was David.”
“He’s a fuckin’ dead man,” an icy, cold calm comes over me and I know I won’t feel warm again until that man’s life is snuffed out. “I’m on my way back to the hospital now and I’ll get your brothers to pick him up. Try and…um get her to talk to me, yeah?”
“I’ll do my best,” he huffs and hangs up.
Elio and Matty look at me expectantly. “Who?” Elio asks.
“David,” I spit.
Matty gets up immediately. “We’ll get him to the warehouse for you.”
“Keep me posted. Once you’ve got David, put out the call for all the capos to meet us atLa Fazenda. I want Dad and Paul Rossi there as well.”
The whole drive to the hospital I picture Francesca’s conflicted expression when she threw me out. She wanted me there and wanted my affections, but she has such a strong sense of pride and I really fucking hurt her.
She’s been telling all of us this whole time that all she feels she has is her self-respect and all of us have stomped all over it. We’ve kept her in the dark while pushing her around and using her life, her last name, as a tool, a ploy.
I thought I was sacrificing my own feelings for the good of the family by pushing her away, but I just made things worse. I was obsessed with how agonising it was for me not to have her and I took what I wanted at the expense of Francesca’s feelings.
She may never want anything to do with me again, but I will do everything in my power to keep her safe and happy.
Including killing her uncle.
I stride into Francesca’s room with purpose. My little darlin’ will not be throwing me out this time. I’m here to beg, grovel, whatever it takes. The tiny doe-eyed woman has all the power now.
Massimo sits next to her. They’re talking quietly and watching videos on his phone. Both of them look up when I enter and panic shoots across Francesca’s face. It is like a kick in the guts to know that seeing me does that to her. I can’t be worried about that now though. I can’t be deterred.
I sweep my suit jacket off my shoulders and drape it over the chair on the other side of her bed. Sitting down, I roll back the sleeves of my dress shirt while Francesca watches my every move. Wary, but also with a spark of hunger in her expression. I lean forwards, elbows on my knees and run my eyes over her drawn, pale face. She is the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.
“Francesca,” I murmur, reaching out to hold her hand. She doesn’t pull it away, thank fuck. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay,” she smiles faintly. “You can relax. I won’t throw you out again.”
My lip curls and she reaches out to poke me in the dimple that forms in my cheek. “That’s good to know, baby. Because I’m not going anywhere.”
“Right!” Massimo abruptly stands and stretches. “I’ll leave you two star-crossed lovers to it.”
“Thought you’d never leave. Check-in with your brothers, yeah?” I grin at his retreating back, relaxing now that I know I’m not about to be booted out again.
He disappears and we’re left staring at each other. I want to kiss her so badly, but I don’t want to push my luck.Patience.
“Massi told me you know who shot you, darlin’” I state gently.