Page 11 of Just As You Are
“Bring Maddie here? There’s no other kids for her to play with.”
“My club brothers are like big kids. She’d have a lot of fun here,” he says.
“Why don’t we start with you meeting her first.”
I can’t believe I’m saying he should meet Maddie. What the fuck is wrong with me? I’ve never introduced Maddie to someone this fast. In fact, Adam’s the only one she ever met. And well, look how that turned out.
Something is telling me that Hollis wouldn’t do that to me or Maddie. But sometimes fear wins over courage.
“We can take this slow if you want. But I want you to know I’m all in. I’m not going anywhere. You’re it for me and if you’re not on the same page yet, I’ll wait for you to catch up.”
“I want to be on the same page as you. But I’m just not there yet. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, baby. We’ll figure us out.”
He wraps his huge body around me and I feel so safe. Maybe we will get there.
It’s been a couple of weeks since the incident with Alice, and things have been going well with Lila and me. She isn’t ready to introduce me to Maddie yet. But we talk every day. And she’s been letting me pick her up for her shifts at Luminescence. So that’s a step in the right direction. This weekend is one of our club barbecues. We have them once a month and Luminescence is closed for the whole weekend. This barbecue is one we’re having before the Bastianini family goes to Ireland. It’s a big weekend for their family, and they wanted to have the barbecue before they left.
I know Lila’s worried about the money she’s losing out on this weekend. I offered to help her if she needs it. She’s gotten a little better at letting me do things for her. Like this week, I got her some groceries. I had them delivered so I wouldn’t cross the line and see Maddie before she’s ready. I waited for the text telling me that she can buy her own groceries, but it never came. What I did get was a text thanking me for thinking of them. Progress.
Speaking of my cupcake—
“Hey baby, is everything okay?”I answer my phone.
“Hi handsome, everything’s good. I was just wondering something.”
“What is it?”
“Would you like to come over and meet Maddie? My brother and sister are here, and I want you to meet them too.”
“I’d love to. You want me to come over now?”
“Are you busy? We can wait.”
“I’m never too busy for you. I’ll be there in thirty minutes.”
“Thank you. Please be safe.”
“Always. Should I bring my cage so you and Maddie can ride back with me for the barbecue?”
“Sure, I’d like that.”
“See you soon, cupcake.”
Holy crap. She’s finally okay with me meeting Maddie, Carter and Diana. She talks about them all the time. The only ones she doesn’t talk about are her parents. I know they’re alive, I just don’t know where they are. One step at a time.
I hurry and grab my shit, I don’t want to keep them waiting. I have a cage—an SUV to drive on rainy days. I don’t really enjoy driving it, but for my girls? I’ll do anything. Friday morning traffic can suck here in Chicago. Even after regular morning rush hour should be over, it’s still horrible. It takes me a little less than thirty minutes to get to Lila’s place. And all of a sudden, I’m nervous.
I get out of my cage and walk over to the buzzer box. I press the button for her apartment and wait.
“Hello?” a male voice answers.