Page 14 of Just As You Are
I frown at her. “What do you mean ‘more than you’? You’re perfect. Every part of you makes me come alive.”
I’m not usually an insecure person. I know who I am, and I’m okay with me, curves and all. But I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, and most guys only really notice me when they’re drunk. Hollis makes me feel like I’m the most beautiful woman in the world. When I saw the bunnies around him during those barbecues before, it made me sad. I didn’t think he noticed me, and my insecurities crept in. But I realized that I’m the one that pushed him away. If I think back, he did show me that he wanted me from the start. Now I wish I hadn’t listened to my fears.
Watching the MC with Maddie makes me feel so loved. None of them have to play with her. But yet here they are, huge biker men playing with a tiny five-year old. As I’m watching them, I see one of Hollis’ club brothers walk in. There’s a beautiful woman and a little girl with him.
“Come on, cupcake. I want you to meet Bestia and his family. He recently found out that he had a daughter and she and her mama just moved here to Chicago.”
“Why didn’t he know?”
“It’s a long story. Maybe one day Maeve will tell you.”
I get it, it’s not his place to tell me someone else’s story. So I don’t push the issue.
“I look forward to getting to know her,” I smile and hug him.
“Hey, Bestia,” Hollis says as they hug. “This is my Lila and Maddie.”
“It’s nice to meet you both. This is Maeve and Saoirse.” He smiles at us.
“It’s very nice to meet you. Your daughter is adorable,” Maeve says.
“I love your accent,” I say as she chuckles.
“Hi. I’m Saoirse,” her daughter says to Maddie.
“Hi. I’m Maddie.” She giggles.
“Why don’t you two go and play in the bouncy castle?” Bestia suggests.
“Okay, Da,” Saoirse says as she grabs Maddie’s hand. They run to the castle together.
“I was worried that Saoirse wouldn’t have anyone to play with. I’m so glad you and Maddie are here,” Maeve says to me.
“I felt the same. Before you got here, the guys were chasing Maddie around. I think they’re too big to get into the bouncy castle.”
Maeve laughs. “I think they’d pop it if they did.”
“Hey! I can get into the castle without popping it,” Bestia says. He kisses her, then heads over to the castle.
We all follow him. This is going to be epic. We watch him get into the castle with the girls. After a few minutes, there’s a popping noise followed by the sound of air escaping, and the castle starts to tip over.
“You broke the castle, Da!” Saoirse is giggling as she and Maddie crawl out of the entrance.
“Wow. You broke the kids’ bouncy castle,” Giustizia teases his twin.
“Shut up.” Bestia laughs. “We’ll fix it.”
We sit and watch the guys start looking for the hole. It takes a little while, but they finally find it and attempt to make a seal. It takes a few tries but they get it fixed, and the girls go back in to play.
Today is the first day that Hollis is coming with me to take Maddie to school. In these last few weeks, she’s gotten super attached to him. When I watch them together, it makes my heart happy. Hollis never gets tired of her or acts like she’s being annoying with her endless questions. I hate that she’s missed out on all this stuff because Travis decided to fuck someone else. After he left, I spent months trying to find him. But either no one really knew anything or they didn’t want to tell me. Which in hindsight was probably a good thing, because that’s when I found out he’d been cheating on me.
“Are you okay, cupcake?” he asks, snapping me out of my pity party.