Page 19 of Just As You Are
“Maddie is missing,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“When I got here her teacher said her dad picked her up already. They just fucking let it happen. I called Sal and he’s on his way. I need you to bring Lila here. I don’t want to leave in case they find something. But I can’t tell her over the phone.”
“I got you, brother. We’ll be there soon. Just breathe. We’ll find her.”
“I’m more worried about how Lila is going to take this.”
“I know. We’ll all be here for her. See you soon.”
I hang up and wait for Sal to arrive. He and his partner, Mac, pull up and park in record time.
“What happened?” Sal asks.
I tell him the story that the teacher told me just as Fantasma pulls into the parking lot with Lila. She jumps out before he can get the car fully parked and runs over to me.
“Where’s Maddie? What happened?” She’s getting hysterical.
“Take a deep breath, cupcake.” I breathe with her.
“I-is she dead?” She starts to cry.
I look at her. I don’t want to lie, because I don’t know what’s happened yet.
“I don’t think so. Someone picked her up already. They said it was her dad.”
“Do you have a picture of her uh, bio dad?” Salvatore asks.
“I-I’m sure I have one at the apartment.”
“If you want, I’ll have the guys look for it. Is it in a box?” I ask her.
She nods. “It’s in a box labeled ‘Travis’. I kept a few things for Maddie in case she ever asked about him later on,” she says softly.
I hold her tight as we listen to Fantasma tell the guys at the apartment what to look for.
“Do you really think it was him?” she asks me.
“I don’t know, baby. But we need to make sure either way.”
She starts sobbing and I hold her tighter.
“We’re going to find her. I promise you that.”
What I do know is whoever took my Maddie is going to pay for it. That much I can promise Lila. I’m not saying it out loud. But it’s still a promise.
It’s been eight hours since Travis took my baby. The police have been looking for them, but so far no one knows where they are. Thankfully, there was video from the school proving it was Travis and his wife. Salvatore has been keeping us updated, and so far we think he’s still in the city. They’re monitoring the train stations and the airport. They had him on traffic cams, but lost him about six blocks from the school. There’s also been an amber alert sent out for my baby. But so far she hasn’t been spotted. I know the statistics. I may never see my daughter again and it’s killing me.
Hollis has been by my side constantly, I know he wants to be with his club and the police looking for our baby. But I need him here with me. Besides Hollis, my girls have been with me as much as they can, but the only thing I can do is cry. I want my daughter home. I don’t know why Travis would take her, he never indicated he wanted her after he left us.
“You need to eat something. I know it’s not what you want to do, but you need to keep your strength up,” Luciana says to me.
I’ve gotten to know Luciana and her twin Isabella. They’ve been here keeping me company and trying to stop me from worrying too much. They’re part of Hollis’ MC family and I’m so grateful for them. They’ve sat here with me even though all I can do is curl up into a ball and cry. I sip at the soup that Luciana brought me.