Page 11 of Commando
“You talk to your mother with that mouth?” I ask, a growl slipping from my throat.
“My momma would slap me in the back of the head if I spoke like that.” The man responds, a small chuckle slipping past his lips. I turn to ready to blast him for objectifying women. For making me angry because he was thinking about my woman’s pussy.
Mae, walks past my bike and stands in front of the man with the big mouth. She smiles up at him, then says, “tell your mom you got the broken nose from a female who you made a rude comment to.” Her hand comes back, fingers curl into a fist and she swings with all her might and knocks the fucker in the nose. Blood explodes, coating Mae’s black leather jacket, before his hands fly up to his face and holds his nose.
“You bitch! You broke my nose.” He shouts, as Mae tosses her head back and cackles. This woman just let out a cackle, one that I swear was brought forth from her ancestors from decades ago.
“That’s right, prick! This bitch heard every word your filthy mouth spoke about someone you did not know. Not only did I hear it, but the young female at the pump to your right heard it, and the children she had in her car. I hope karma shines bright on you when you have a little girl, and she make you work for everything.” She spins away from the man and makes it to my side. I reach out and grab her by the back of the head and slam my lips down on hers. Her little tirade has my cock so hard that it’s going to be difficult to ride.
“Shit!” The man shouts and jumps into his car. The female that Mae was talking about starts to laugh as the car pulls away.
What the hell happened? I look between the female and Mae, who are both laughing. “Oh, that was awesome.” The female shouts, stepping toward Mae and offers her hand up close in a fist. Mae bumps her hand against the other lady’s and then wraps her arms around me.
“What just happened?” I ask, looking at Mae and then to the still laughing lady as she climbs into her car.
“That. Handsome. Is him realizing that he made all those nasty comments about me, with my man standing beside him.” She states, a giggle bursting from between her lips.
“Your man, huh? I love the sound of that.” I say, smiling down at her pulling her close to me. “Let’s get on the road. The sooner I can get you naked on my bed.” She nods her head, letting her hands slide down my back and cupping my ass.
She is the only woman I have ever been with that has been so bold as to make that move. Her confidence drives me wild and the way she handles herself in all the situations that I have seen her in has shown me that you won’t be able to break her.
“Put your helmet on and let’s get going. We have about three hours left on the road, then we can meet my extended family and then I’m fucking you for the rest of the night.” I state, straddling my bike and waiting for her to get on.
As we take of Du Hast by Rammstein begins to play, causing the semi I was sporting watching Mae handle herself to become fully erect. My cock is throbbing to the beat of the music. This next little bit is going to be the hardest, both in my pants and focusing on getting my girl safely back to my family.
Chapter Thirteen
Three Days Later.
Confidence. What a load of bullshit! I can stand my ground with unruly members at Club Curve. I can punch a man in the face for wondering what my pussy looks like. But, right here, right now, watching all the women in nothing but a thong and tiny top hang all over Commando like he just got out of prison is making my gut roll.
I feel the seat beside me move and the beautiful red head I met when we first got here slides in. Her smile brightens her face, and she opens her mouth to talk to me, then her eyes go over my shoulder and lands on the chicks using Commando as a stripper pole.
“Those chicks are needy.” Muriel states, a frown marring her lips.
“Hey, no skin off my nose. If Commando wants to smile like that at a can of tuna while they use him as a striper pole, that’s on him. I have enough money saved to get a hotel and see the sights before flying back home.” I say, smiling at her.
“Mae, I like you. Him, I think, he needs to be kicked in the crotch with pointed steel-toed boots.” Ryanne says, standing behind me with Jane staring at her man.
“Let’s go out back by the fire, with a cooler and drink.” Jane states, waving to the person behind the bar and yelling at him to get beer ready in a cooler and bring it out to the fire pit.
“Baby girl, you know that you can’t order a prospect to do anything,” Cappy says, nodding at the prospect who jumps to getting what Jane ordered.
“Raci said she will meet you at the pit.” Cappy states, grabbing Jane by the neck and kissing her. We all watch as Jane wraps her hands around his neck and they deepen the kiss. Ryanne, Muriel and I slip past the couple and make our way to the open fire pit.
“So, we haven’t really gotten to know you. What do you do up in Canada?” Muriel asks, as the prospect drops the cooler with ice and beer.
“Whelp, that is a great question. When I left Canada, I was a head lining striper at a club called Club Curve. But I started that after my dad suddenly passed away from what they call the widow maker. Which is a massive heart attack that instantly kills the person suffering from it. About twelve percent of people suffering from this outside of the hospital survive this type of heart attack.” I say, closing eyes and taking a deep breath.
“How long ago did your dad pass?” Muriel asks, her hand landing on my arm. I turn my head and look into her eyes. The pain behind her eyes. My guess is she has felt the loss of a parent.
“My dad passed away about a month and a half ago. I was an accountant before that. They had cut my hours the week before my dad left the earth and when I asked them to boost my hours and they told me that they were letting me go.” I say, taking a sip of beer that tastes watered down.
“Oh, my goodness, I am so very sorry.” Ryanne says, watching over my head with a frown on her face.
“Girls, I made more in a week as a starting stripper than I did in six months as an accountant. I have money saved up. My mom is back on track and I have a job to go back to. That will make me enough to make up for the hotel I will rent, the Macy’s shopping spree and all the food I can’t get in Canada.” I smile, thinking to myself that I would love for these women to show me around.