Page 5 of Commando
Grabbing the door, I pull it open, and it doesn’t budge. Looking at the times on the door, I see that the club doesn’t open until seven that night. Then beside it, there is a small sign that states to phone reception when you arrive for your shift.
Opening my purse and pulling out my phone, I dial the number and wait for Charlee to pick up.
“Hello, you’ve reached Club Curve. This is Annalisa. How can I help you?’ the receptionist states, heavy breathing coming over the line.
“I spoke to Charlee this morning, and she informed me that there were exotic dancer auditions today. I am here for them.” I state, watching the people pulling into the parking lot.
“Today’s audition is for the chubby chasers.” Annalisa states. Rolling my eyes at her terms. I hope no one was around me, as I had my phone on speaker.
“I know that the auditions are for a specific body type . That is the reason I am here.” I state, as a man comes up behind me.
“Miss. Can I please see your phone?” He asks, before he takes my phone from my hand.
“Who’s this?” He states, listening as the woman on the other end speaks. “This is Master Zander, open the door now, and then get your things and leave. At Club Curve, we accept everyone. The way you just spoke to a potential employee means that you don’t meet the employment standards that you signed.” He hangs up my phone and hands it back to me.
“I’m sorry for my ex-employees rudeness. Follow me and I will introduce you to the team that manage the exotic dancers. You will fit right in.” Master Zander states, offering me his hand to shake. Reaching my hand to his, I grip and give it one shake. He runs his middle finger along my wrist and hums.
“Nice to meet you, Master Zander. My name is Mae Ironside. I am here for the exotic dancers position, or one of them.” I say, smiling as his eyes slowly take in my body from head to toe.
“Miss. Ironside. It is Miss, right?” He asks, giving him be best smile as I nod. “Good, Miss. Ironside I’m confident that you will be our top rated dancer. Follow me and let’s get you up on the stage.” He turns and offers me his elbow as we walk in.
“Charlee, Jack. This is Mae Ironside. She was waiting outside while the person on the other end made derogatory and rude comments. Miss. Ironside simply wanted to show up on time for the audition. Please make sure that she has a spot.” Master Zander states, smiling as Charlee nods, takes me by the hand to the back room.
“I am so sorry, Miss. Ironside.” I hold up my hand and ask her to call me Mae. “Mae, right? So basically, you will have a choice of songs to choose from. They are a little older songs, but they empower the strong woman.” She hands me a list and I immediately see the song I want and place my stuff down in an open locker.
They start calling the names on the list and one by one, each of the ten girls takes their position on stage and starts to perform. Closing my eyes, I center myself and focus on manifesting my future.
“Up next, dancing to Natural Woman by Aretha Franklin, is Mae Ironside.” The announcer states, causing me to move forward and start my audition.
Chapter Five
One Week Later.
“Rough? Any news?” I ask, the Bluetooth ear bud resting in my ear as I lift weights in the old barn. I don’t remember my Kookum (Grandmother) having this on her property when we were kids, but then again, we weren’t allowed this deep into the wooded area behind her house.
“My little mukwoh (bear), we don’t go back into those woods. They hold spirits that eat young children.”Kookum (Grandmother) would say we feared that an actual spirit lived back there. Years later, we found out that there was a spiritual place back there that needed to stay untouched.
“You know the popo. They drag their heels on issues like this shit. Justice is forcing to the best he can but Bambi’s family says otherwise.” Rough states, Ryanne in the background yelling at Cappy for something he did.
“Cappy up to his old shit again?” I ask, knowing that pranks are always being set around the clubhouse. Cappy, for the longest time, stopped. He sunk into a destructive state and even tried to leave the club. He put Jane, the only woman to ever make him feel on ice, until she almost died.
“Always, brother. When are you coming back?” Rough asks, stepping out of the barn and lifting my head to the graying sky.
“Brother, I’d love to say I’ll see you this week. But with Bambi gunning for me and the police already profiling me because I am an Indigenous male, I don’t see me coming home for another month, maybe two.” I say, as the sky opens up with the first big drop of rain.
“I hear you, brother. Miss your ugly face, be safe.” He says, then the line goes dead. Rough has never been one to mix pleasantries. He has and always will be blunt and straight to the point.
Taking a hit off the joint, I just pressed between my lips and holding it until my lungs begin to burn, then slow releasing the puff of white smoke into the air. The rain is soothing, almost like mother nature is cleansing my mind, body and soul with a simple rain shower.
Drawing in another deep inhale of marijuana, I drop to my knees, open my arms and lift my head to the sky. Offering my body for a water cleanse before going back into the barn and smudging myself.
“Kookum (Grandmother), I need your help from up there. I need guidance and help keeping my life on the right path.” I whisper, closing my eyes as the rain gets harder, then suddenly stops. Like someone opened a giant umbrella. As I get to my feet and turn toward the barn, a gentle wind blows across my face and swirls around my body. A small smile settles on my face as I walk into the bar, heading towards the sacred smudging spot that I remember my Kookum (Grandmother) talked about.
To the right of the circle sits a statue of a bear carved out of birch tree. The statue is positioned with the bears paws up in an offering. On the head are three eagle feathers in what looks like a headpiece. In its paws sits a shell. This is where you place the smudge and light it. My Kookum (Grandmother)’s smudge consists of three of the four traditional medicines. Sweetgrass to attract positive energies and good spirits. Cedar to keep the body relieved of colds and flu, and sage to help boost the body’s mood, relieve stress and help with healthy sleeping habits. Kookum (Grandmother) has always had an abundance of her smudge sticks bundled and ready for ceremonies.
Looking around, trying to figure out where the bundles of smudge she had left. Looking around the circle, I notice that the belly of the wooden bear has a door. Kneeling, I open the door and the smudge sitting behind the bears belly. Grabbing a bundle and gently closing the door.