Page 23 of Sin City
Husband: That is not funny, Aria. As I recall last night, I told you that you are mine. Your body is mine. Your pussy is mine. If you would like a dead client in your office, then be my fucking guest.
Me: You wouldn’t?
Husband: Try me, Aria. Fucking try me.
Me: Someone cannot take a flipping joke. And no, I have no plans tonight for dinner.
Husband: Not fucking funny. You will be punished for that––how I see fit. I will meet you at eight for dinner. If you are smart, you will not wear any underwear.
Me: See you at eight.
My hand is gripping my phone so fucking tight at that response from Aria. That was not funny her saying she would let another person taste her delicious pussy or have her scream out their goddamn name. Not a fucking chance in hell. I do not take kindly to mywifebeing pleasured or even joking about it by another man. I would kill them. Plain and simple.
I wanted to take Aria on a nice date tonight to talk and get to know her more. Sure, I know every inch of her curvy body and the right spots that make her shiver. I know her tells, when she is upset, overthinking, stressing, or anything else. With being sober, I now watch people more carefully and learn what makes them tick. In Vegas when I first met Aria, I knew she was attracted to me. It was the way her face turned a tint of red and how her breath quickened when she looked at me. I felt her eyes trail me from head to toe. I won’t lie, I was mesmerized by her, and I wanted her in that very exact moment too.
I thought about picking up Aria at her office or her place, but I am also a selfish bastard when it comes to her since I am sitting here at the restaurant with my eyes pinned on the door as I wait for her to walk in. I want every single man in this restaurant to see her, how incredibly sexy she is, but she is not theirs. I specifically asked for a seat more toward the back because tonight is about knowing all about my wife, on a deeper level because I see this marriage lasting and there is no way out for me.
Then, finally, my Angel makes her appearance, when she steps inside, I lick my lips as I trail my eyes up and down her body. Fuck me. She has on an emerald, green sweater dress that shows off her curves and clings to her like a goddamn glove. It is off the shoulder, showing her creamy skin that I love to sink my teeth into. She has on these thigh-high, tan boots, and I am instantly jealous of a pair of fucking boots. They hug her luscious thighs that I love to lick and nip at. Plus, they lead to her tight cunt. The hostess points to where I am and her eyes find mine. It is as if she can read the naughty thoughts that are running through my mind because her cheeks flush a light tint of pink. I wink at her.
I stand and grab her by the waist like a caveman. I kiss her as I grab a fist full of her plumb ass. Aria moans into my kiss. Pulling my lips off hers, I whisper in her ear, “Angel, you look gorgeous, and every man is wishing that you were theirs.”
She lets out a gasp.
I pull out Aria’s chair for her to sit, and I sit across from her. We stare at each other for what feels like an eternity.
Aria reaches out for her water and takes a sip before she speaks first. “This is a nice idea. Thank you for this. I have had a long, hard day…this new client is very demanding and expects more than most clients.” She is trying to rile me up and it is working.
I take a sip of my water. “I hope they know that you are married, and I have no problem removing their limbs from their body if they even think of touching what is mine.” I can feel my body tense at even the thought of another man touching Aria.
She rolls her eyes, and smiles at me and picks up the menu. “So, possessive. How would they know if there is no ring on my finger?” My eyes latch on her naked ring finger and see I have forgotten the one thing that symbolizes we are married. I want to make sure every single person knows she is my wife. I want the ring to be perfect. To be Aria. I am lost in thought when I realize she is still going on about her new client. “It’s just they are so damn particular in what they are looking for in a property. I am just…” She sets the menu down and smiles light and sighs. Not the smile that reaches her eyes. “I’ll figure it out.”
The waiter comes to take our order, and I catch him eyeing Aria up and down. I clear my throat to direct his attention back to me. I place my order and I ask Aria what she would like. Rolling her eyes at my behavior toward the waiter to stop eye fucking my wife, she ignores me and gives the waiter her best smile. I grunt at the interaction. Finally, he leaves.
Aria takes a sip of her red wine. “You pretty much scared that poor boy off. He was just being friendly.”
I crack my neck and grip my water glass harder than I like as my knuckles turn white. “Friendly, sure. Friendly as in, he was trying to picture you naked.”
Rolling her eyes, she shakes her head.
Keeping my eyes locked on hers, I blurt, “I am scared of spiders.”
Her eyes go wide, she throws her head back, laughing with her whole body. People around us turn to see what she is laughing at.
I laugh along with her.
Using her napkin, she dries her eyes. “No way! A big tattooed, bearded man like you, is scared of a little spider?”
“Yes. I am,” I shiver at the thought of one.
“I am scared of clowns. I mean it takes a really creepy person to dress up, paint their face like they do, and wear a red nose that honks. Hard freaking pass.”
I lean forward on the table. “So, I take it no circus role play for us then? Should I return the clown suit I have in my closet?”
She leans forward. “I would scream first, then tell you it has been nice knowing you and leave you in your clown suit.”
We are both smiling. I reach for her wrist. Lowering my eyes, I trace her phoenix tattoo and my body comes to life anytime we touch. And I think this is the very moment that I need to share my past and my demons to explain how my life took such a shitty turn and that I almost did not make it out alive? Rather than delve into any of it, I ask Aria more about her life, and the more she tells me, the more I start to fall for this woman in front of me.