Page 22 of Fangs with Benefits
"I've gone to see her myself on several occasions when I needed answers tounusualproblems that I couldn't find solutions for in the coven's grimoires," Blair continues.
I want to ask what problems warranted her seeking the advice of a psychic, but I refrain.
"It's worth a shot to visit her and see if she can help, isn't it?"
I nod. I have no idea if this psychic can provide any answers, but I do like the idea of going on a secret outing with Blair. And I'll do anything to get away from the prying eyes of the clan.
In front of the closed door, we make a plan to meet the next day and go to the psychic together. Nothing thrills me more than the thought of seeing her again tomorrow.
Then, we head back to the ball.
Even though we try to act normal when we walk back into the party,—all eyes fall on the two of us. I have no doubt we're a bit more disheveled than we were when we left.
Blair's hair is tangled at the ends, and the bodice of her dress is slightly crooked. But the stars in her eyes are glinting more brilliantly than before. To me, she looks breathtaking, evenmoreso now that I've had her. But to everyone else, the two of us lookguilty.
The other coven witches rush over and pull her into a nearby corner of the room. I can hear them, thanks to my extra keen senses, even above the music.
"What did youdo?" Elspeth scolds. "You're a mess!"
Before Blair can answer her, the other witches chime in as well.
"I think that it's pretty clear what she did," Isla says with a touch of chiding sarcasm in her voice. "The better question iswhy?"
"Blair, relations with a vampire? Really? And one that you've worked with as an informant?" Sybil asks in a condescending tone. "He's the clan leader now. You can't just run around doing whatever you please without consequences."
"What on earth are you talking about?" Blair asks angrily. "You're all hypocrites! Sybil, you're in love with a Fae. And Elspeth, you're mated to the wolfpack alpha. Howdareyou try and scold me for doing the very same thing the two of you have already done!"
"Well,Ihaven't done anything wrong." Isla snorts.
I want to jump in and defend her, but I don't because I know it will only serve to worsen the conflict. Besides, I have my own problems to deal with. A small gaggle of clan members stands in front of me. One of them, a vampire named Andrew, looks over at Blair, and then back to me. I can tell they have questions along the same vein as the coven witches', but they bring up a different matter first.
"We don't like how you attacked that other vampire," he says. "You can't just go around attacking one of our own, clan leader or not. It sews distrust."
A female vampire named Patrice standing next to him nods her head in agreement. "Yeah, we want an explanation. You attacked a clan member, one of your own people, and it sure looked like it was in defense of awitch."
I stand there, frozen, as I decide whether to be honest or blatantly lie.
"And before you tell us that you didn't do it because of her, you should know that we all noticed your obvious affection for her," Patrice says. "Anyone with eyes can see it, and the rest of us in the clan aren't so keen on it."
This is going to blow up into amuchbigger problem if I don't do something to squash it. If the clan finds out that their leader brutally attacked one of their own simply because he has feelings for a witch, they will retaliate. They won't challenge me directly—that's more of a werewolf pack thing. But they'll go after Blair and eliminate the distraction they believe is compromising my integrity and leadership skills.
Just when I thought we had resolved the threat against Blair. I have to keep her from being a target, so I go with the first solution that comes to mind.
"Ohplease," I say with a flagrant role of my eyes. "Just because I bedded a pretty witch tonight, you think it was more than a simple conquest? How dare you question me. I am the leader of this clan, and I can stick my cock in whoever I choose."
I know how crass I sound, but it's intentional. I need the clan to believe that Blair means nothing to me—nothing more than two warm thighs for me to go between.
"She looked pretty tonight—none of you can deny it, and I felt lustful," I continue. "And I shouldn't have to explain my personal sexual escapades to any of you. I knocked the vampire down because he touched what Iwanted. I would have done the same if he touched the human I was about to drink for dinner."
To really drive the point home and destroy any doubts they might still have, I grab a very vampire from their group, named Vanessa, and pull her close.
"Maybe I'll haveyounext," I say as I lick my lips before looking back at the group of them. "Unless one of you has a problem with that as well?"
They immediately shrink away, looking embarrassed for questioning me. Vanessa stays and flirts with me, and I flirt back, noticing that some of the vampires are glancing my way every so often. This solution is a good one. But it has one problem.
Blairsaw what I just did, and I can tell by the gutted look on her face that she doesn't realize I'm acting.