Page 3 of Fangs with Benefits
Blair's body is unnoticeable hiding behind the weighty, crimson curtains in front of the window, but her scent still lingers on the air like a heavy perfume. As soon as Arman steps inside the doorway, he can smell her.
"Of course there's no witch in here. Not unless your security detail is sorely lacking." I take a few deep breaths to calm myself before I continue. "You're probably smelling the residual coven scent on me. I paid a visit to the coven witches earlier today and it's difficult to get the scent of all their incense and brewing herbs out of my hair."
I feel stupid even trying to lie to him with that excuse. Incense is very different from the smell ofblood. But fortunately, Arman looks more interested inwhyI was paying the witches a visit, thanwhyhe can smell one in this room. He's not quite as clever as his predecessor and I haven't decided whether that is a good thing or a bad one just yet.
"Why were you at the coven today?" he asks.
I rub my palm against my stomach in a circular motion and try to feign a frown.
"I've been having trouble with my stomach and that one witch there—Isla, I think her name is—is a kitchen witch and can make me a concoction to settle my gut. I spent half the day at the coven building while she concocted a healing brew."
"What did you come to see me about?" I ask quickly. Hoping that will distract him.
And amazingly,it does.
"I want to tell you about the first thing I'm going to attempt in my new role as clan leader," he says with a broad smile as he sits down at the table.
He is even closer to Blair's hiding spot now, and I only hope that she is able to remain motionless and silent until he leaves.
"I'm going to carve a new path for the vampires," he continues. "One that will seat us alongside the other supernatural factions as equals."
"We already are equals," I remind him.
"No,theywant you think that, but in truth we aren't on a level playing field at all."
"Who wants us think that?" I ask, happy that he seems to have completely forgotten about the smell of a witch in the room.
"Thecoven witches. That's why I want to kill them all."
I'm not sure if I gasp or if Blair does, but a sharp breath pierces the air.
I'mshocked.The new clan leader billed himself as a peacemaker and a level-headed leader,notan assassin.
"The coven has overreached," he explains, though it's clear he's talking just to hear himself, not make me understand. "As long as those witches serve as a governing body, there will never betruepeace between all the other supernatural factions. They are holding back equality in the city. Their presence is nothing more than a controlling and ruling force. I am true to my word, Treyton. I want true and lasting peace. But to achieve it, the witches and the coven must be destroyed."
"And what will you do then?" I ask, trying to bite back my fury at the idea of killing off the four witches. "Once you've destroyed the coven, what's your plan?"
"I'll create a council of leaders. There will be no more governing force. We will govern together. It's the only way to ensure peace and alliance between all the supernatural factions in the city. Maybe we can even take control of the city away from the humans."
"Let me make sure that I've got this right," I say, trying not to sound obviously outraged. "You want to create equality between all the supernatural factions?"
"Exceptthe witches, who you want to destroy."
"Only because they are trying to rule over the others."
"Uh huh," I say with an irritated nod of my head. "And then you want to try and steal control of the human-run cityaway fromthe humans?"
"Just think of how much better the city would be if supernaturals ran it instead of humans," Arman says.
It's anon-explanation, and a weak one at best.
"So, you want to kill off the coven because you think they've unfairly controlled supernaturals, and then you want to turn around and control the humans?" I can tell by Arman's stiffening expression that I need to tread lightly. He is the clan leader and doesn't want to be questioned. And I—well, I am a nobody, with no power.
"Are you questioning me?" he asks in a warning tone.
"No. But I do think it's an absurd idea. You're bound to cause chaos. And besides, the coven isstrong. Their magic is powerful, and by going up against them, you'll only endanger yourself and the clan."