Page 32 of Fangs with Benefits
"And what about the greedy man from the beginning?"
"He was the kind of human that was never going to stop causing trouble and suffering to those around him. He had to be stopped and put down."
I don't ask any more questions because I already know whatputdownmeans.
"Are you turned off by all the stories I've told you?" he asks.
"Not at all. I think it's quite unique that a vampire is so invested in the lives of humans."
"It's not only humans that I help. Sometimes it's supernaturals too—a werewolf being discriminated against or a vampire expelled from a controlling clan who's struggling out on the streets on her own. Right some of the wrongs in the world, without having to be tied down by rules that were constructed to help terrible people in power, makes me feel truly free."
I think about what he has said for a few minutes and listen to the sound of his breathing. These stories renew my interest in running away from Boston, a city where I thought I was content.
"Tell me more stories," I say. "Please."
I listen as he continues to tell me story after story, all of them sound like brilliantly written, dangerous fairytales. I hang on every word that spills out of his mouth and close my eyes to imagine myself as a character in some of the scenes that he describes, trying to wrap my mind around what it would be like. Even as the hours pass, I don't tire of listening to him talk about life in Manhattan, away from clans and covens—even though they do exist there too—where we could live on completely on own terms.
Finally, when he finishes with the last story, I prop myself up on my elbows so I can look into his face. His eyes are still glowing, although only faintly now, and honestly, he seems more in control than he was before.
"Well, what do you think?" he asks.
"I think I need to digest all this information a bit before making a decision."
Treyton nods like he can respect my wishes, and then he leans forward to kiss me. His kiss makes my self-restraint disappear. I know right away that I can'tjustkiss him without wanting more, and by the thick heat swelling between his thighs, I know he feels the same way.
This time when we make love, it's slow and tender, yet still filled with a passionate urgency. And when it's over, I fall asleep curled in his arms, feeling content and protected, but with a head full of things to figure out.
In my sleep, I have a dream about being someone else. I dream that I'm not a witch who uses her power to serve a coven and keep peace in a city that seems destined to always be in the throes of conflict, but a witch who uses it to help people. I turn stones into coins, perform chart readings that set people on the path toward great success, and even harness the celestial power of the planets to force people to stop doing bad things. My dreamscape is an adventure, one that is fulfilling because I can use my magic to do good and don't have to keep it under lock and key. And it's also thrilling running beside Treyton as we slip into the shadows and narrowly avoid getting caught by powerful people—both human and supernatural—who want us to keep out of their nefarious dealings.
By time I wake up, I'm full of excitement and flush with determination. As soon as my eyes open in the morning, I know what I want to do. I want to live a life of adventure with Treyton, and I want us both to be free and in charge of our own fates. What started out as a suggestion that sounded crazy has now become the only thing that I want to go and do.
Ican't believe that we're actually going to do this. Mostly, I can't believe thatBlair actuallywantsto do this. It's one thing for me to shirk my responsibilities as clan leader and go back to my old life, but it's an entirely different thing for Blair to abandon her coven and run away to another city she knows nothing about.
In the morning when we wake up, right after she tells me that this is what she wants to do, Blair goes back to her coven. She doesn't tell me what she wants to do there, whether it's to make some last-minute preparations, or say goodbye to her coven sisters without clueing them in to the fact that she is leaving, and I don't ask her what her plans are. Tonight, we'll leave the city together, and that's all I care about. Today is hers alone, to do whatever she needs to do.
And I need to do the same.
Granted, I don't have an emotional attachment to the vampire clan here like Blair does to her coven, but there are still some things that I need to work out before we leave tonight. Perhaps the most important thing that I plan to do as soon as I see Blair again is tell her that I love her. It was on the tip of my tongue last night, bothwhilewe were making love and afterward as she lay in my arms. But I still haven't said it.
They aren't just words, just like a spell or incantation aren'tjust words. Words have incredible power and I want to make sure that I use mine at the right time with the right energy so Blair knows how much I truly mean them.
Walking back to the vampire den is surreal, because it's the last time I'll do so.
A few vampires ask me where I've been, and a couple of the men assigned to guard me and keep watch over my whereabouts for protection are vexed that I managed to evade them. Honestly, if they were really any good at their jobs, they would have realized that I would go back to my own apartment at some point.
I walk around the den, answering questions from various vampires about various things, and the whole time my mind is somewhere else. I'm preoccupied with thoughts of seeing Blair again tonight, and going back to Manhattan.
When it was just me to think about, I never considered safety. I always pushed the limits with things and knew that I was avampirecapable of tearing someone's throat out if I needed to. But now, with Blair, I think about whether it will be safe for her there. I will protect her of course, and I know that she's a powerful witch. But I can't help but think about when I left New York City, and all the enemies I made on my way out. It's been a long time since I've been back, but I am positive that everyone there will still remember me and my thieving ways. Some will remember me fondly and with a devout loyalty and feelings of gratitude for all I did to help them. And then there are the others, the vile and more powerful villains, who will remember how I made their lives a living hell. Those are the dangerous ones I'll have to worry about.
Most of the people that I helped werehumans. I don't know why, but I've always had a soft spot for them. They may be weak, but the one good thing about humans is that they are exceedingly loyal to those who help them. There are countless humans in Manhattan who would lay down their lives for me if I asked them to.
I am so lost in thought that I nearly bump right into Vanessa as I turn the corner down the hallways that leads to the bedroom where Blair and I made love. I wanted to see if there was anything I left behind in that room that I might want to bring with me. But I'm glad Vanessa is here. I want to talk to her.
"Sorry," I apologize as I run my hand through my hair and look at her. "Hey, do you have a second to talk?"