Page 5 of Back Up Plan
She was too stunned to speak.
“Hey, it’s great to see you,” a woman with a blonde bob chirped as she leaned in for a hug. Cass reluctantly hugged back. It had been a few months since Cass had had the misfortune of running into Elle. They had broken up three times before it finally stuck.
Ari, whiskey sour in hand, turned to see what the fuss was about.
“Leila, this is Cass,” Elle said, turning to include a beautiful, short-haired woman. Elle left her hand on the small of Leila’s back, the same spot she used to hold Cass. The confusion on Leila’s face prompted Elle to continue, “Cass Owens?”
Familiarity washed over Leila’s face instantly, “Right, Cassandra. Your ex, right?”
Cass raised her eyebrows, cringing at her full name, “Sure…”
Ari laughed, drawing Cass’s attention to the stunning woman who had just bought her a drink.
“This is my girlfriend…” Cass said as she put her arm around Ari’s broad shoulders.
Clearing her throat, Ari raised a brow and whispered to Cass, “What is going on here?”
“Baby, this is my ex, Elle and…” Cass left an empty space for Leila to respond.
“Leila,” the woman extended her hand to Ari and gave her a hearty shake.
Ari nodded, quickly masking her confusion, “Pleasure to meet you both. I’ve heard a lot about you,” she added as she turned her attention to Elle. Cass registered Ari’s apparent surprise that Elle was her ex.
“I can’t lie, I’m surprised you’re with someone,” Elle said, giving Ari a once over.
Ari, not liking the way she was being examined, put her arm around Cass’s waist, pulling her closer.
Cass’s breath hitched in her throat as she felt Ari’s hips press into hers.“Yeah, well,” she managed, “we weren’t expecting it, but ya know, we’ve both never felt this way before.”
Shouting over the music, Elle said, “So listen, maybe not the best time to mention it… but…” she paused as she looked to Leila, “we’re actually engaged.”
She raised her hand to reveal a stunning, single-stone engagement ring.
“Oh, wow…” Cass struggled to respond.
Ari, hoping to cover for her, added, “Congratulations.”
“That’s…” Cass tried to find the words.
Elle smirked, “We’re both just so in love and just couldn’t wait.”
Leila clapped her hands and shouted, “You two should come to the engagement party next month! It’s just a little shindig at Elle’s place.”
“Well… I mean you don’t have to,” Elle said quickly, trying to retract the invitation.
Cass, frozen in the whirlwind of news, nodded.
“We’ll have to check our schedules and see if we can squeeze it in,” Ari said.
Elle put a hand on Cass’s shoulder and looked into her eyes, “It wasreallygood to see you.”
Cass offered an apathetic smile and turned back to the bar. Ari, watching them walk away, laughed and shook her head. “What a bitch.”
By the time she had turned back around to the bar, Cass had buried her head in her hands, “Oh my god. We broke up like, five months ago.’
Ari raised an eyebrow, “Seriously?”
Cass managed a nod.