Page 54 of Back Up Plan
Ari lifted her shoulders back and took a deep breath as she entered Tommy’s office.
“Well, aren’t you chipper?” Tommy asked as her friend entered.
Ari couldn’t; stop her cheeks from warming. She hadn’t even told Tommy about the dungeon visits… or the other times she and Cass had enjoyed each other’s company.
Tommy smirked as the door shut behind Ari and she asked, “So, you did it?”
Ari looked down at her food as she settled into the chair across Tommy’s desk. She shrugged with a smile, letting Tommy fill in the gaps.
“Was it good?” Tommy asked, lowering her head in hopes of some gossip.
Ari shook her head and smiled, “You’re such a shit-stirrer.”
Tommy nodded, “That’s all I needed to hear.”
Tommy scrolled through her email as she opened up her salad container.
“Mm, partners are fiending for new clients, low second quarter,” Tommy continued, “I found this really cool artist who has been making pieces from used toilet paper.”
Ari laughed, trying not to spit out her salad, “Yeah, that sounds supercool.”
Tommy shrugged, “All these art people are trying to work with bodily fluids and it’s like a thing now.”
“And it definitely shouldn’t be,” Ari said as she took another bite, making sure to spear an apple onto her fork. She had always loved this salad: walnuts, apples, red wine vinegar, and all types of greens. It reminded her of home, in the best way possible.
“You find anyone yet?” Tommy asked, her attempt to be gentle quite obvious.
Ari shook her head, but before Tommy could chastise her, she continued, “But, Jess saw a few and is giving me a write up of a few of the best ones.”
Tommy nodded, “I mean a win’s a win. But, shouldn’t you see them before you sign them?”
Ari sighed and finished her bite, “Yeah, ideally. But after tonight I’ll have so much more time.”
“But, aren’t you still hanging out for our Gala bullshit?” Tommy asked.
Ari nodded, “Well yeah, but the pressure will be off me.”
Tommy paused and took a few bites, “So, are you guys like dating now?”
“No,” Ari said, before adding, “Well… I don’t think so.”
“Dude,” Tommy said, rubbing her face with her hand.
Ari raised her hand to silence Tommy, “Listen, she’s great. But I’m too busy and she wants something casual.”
Tommy rolled her eyes at the same line, “Okay, but you fucked.”
The thought of Cass’s body bringing all of those thoughts back to her mind. She had become accustomed to feeling Cass’s warmth, her strength…
“I know,” Ari said, her facade beginning to fade.
Tommy shook her head, “It’s exactly as I feared… you caught feelings.”
Ari hung her head, the weight of her thoughts forcing her neck to give.
“Listen, if I had the time to be with her…” Ari paused, knowing that if she said what she was thinking, she couldn’t pretend it wasn’t true anymore.
“... She’d be the perfect partner.”