Page 20 of Sweet Refuge
He started to walk away, but Lena twisted the front of his shirt before he could. Bringing his eyes to her level, she glared at him. “Two hours. Got it?”
When Hernandez nodded, Lena slowly opened her hand to release her grip on his shirt.
Mustang opened the door to let him out of the office and Frost trailed the guy into the corridor, watching him for a minute.
“Let’s grab that food while we can.” Lena’s voice bordered between being agitated and hangry.
She didn’t say a word as she led the way to the bar. Once the three of them were seated at a small private table and had drinks in front of them, Frost set his stare on her.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
All she had to do was keep her cool. Stick close to the truth the way she’d been taught. She took a sip of her bottled water. “I think I’ll try the chicken wings with sweet heat sauce.”
“Not that, Graham. I feel like…you’re withholding information.”
Mustang bobbed his head in agreement.
She pushed out a sigh. “I don’t really want to get into it.”
“Oh, I think we nixed that option when you hacked Overstreet’s phone so easily.”
She quelled her bouncing leg beneath the table. Any nervous move and her teammates would be all over her. But she was a jittery kid who grew into a jittery adult and sometimes old habits were hard to break. She let her knee bounce twice before forcing it to still.
“Graham,” Frost said with an edge of warning.
“You’ll get it on a need-to-know basis.”
He cocked a brow. “I really think we need to know.”
Mustang watched her carefully. If anyone was picking apart her body language, it was him.
Dammit. She was going to have to give them something.
“Slade is my ex-husband.”
The nuke she dropped on her teammates didn’t hit with the mass destruction she expected it to. In fact, Frost only leaned back in his chair and Mustang pursed his lips.
She looked between them, waiting for her words to sink in.
“It makes so much sense now,” Mustang said at last.
“Right?” Frost responded.
Ugh. She didn’t like to think she and Overstreet let anything slip that their teams would have picked up on, but now it looked like she was deluded.
“To be clear,” Frost said slowly, “this is still a rescue mission, right?”
She rolled her eyes. “Let’s just eat and get out of here. I need to find a dress shop.”
“A what?” Mustang’s eyes popped.
“You heard me. I have an idea, and no, I won’t share it until youneed to know.”
They quickly slammed down their food and Lena went into a shop inside the resort with Frost posing as her love interest and Mustang guarding the door. As the saleslady approached them, Frost cleared his throat. “So…Overstreet.”
“Shut up,” she bit off from the corner of her lips, and then she slapped a smile on her face for the woman.