Page 25 of Sweet Refuge
“Areyou?” He swept his gaze over her. If he even spotted a drop of blood on her, so help him god, he would spend his life hunting down every last person responsible.
She rolled her eyes and pivoted toward the exit. “Great, Bosnia all over again. I rescuedyou.” She breezed up to the door with as much nonchalance as if she were walking into a party.
He stuck out an arm to swipe her aside. “Let me check that it’s all clear.”
She shoved his arm aside. “You did not just bat me away! I’m the one holding the gun, remember? What are you going to do? Mow down an attacker with your bulging biceps?”
“I’m flattered you noticed my biceps. Which leads to the question of where you fit that gun inside that dress? It’s painted on you.”
She groaned and snapped a look around the corner. Then she stepped out on a teetering high heel. Jesus, if she had to run, she’d break her ankle, if not her neck.
“Give me the lead, Graham.”
“Not a fucking chance in hell, Overstreet.”
He pushed in front of her.
She jumped ahead of him. “I will shoot you in the leg if you try that again!” she hissed in a furious whisper.
He dropped back half a step as they darted to the corner of the garage. Damn, she really looked fine in that dress.
She threw a look over her shoulder and caught him checking out her ass. “I see you approve. Remember, the way I’m dressed doesn’t mean you have to treat me like a damsel in distress.”
“What do you call this look? SEAL in the streets, freak in the sheets?”
“Maybe I will shoot you after all,” she said blandly.
They hit the corner at the same time, their bodies pressed tight together.
“You still feel perfect against me, Lena.”
“Do you never quit?” She stabbed a finger into her comms device, shutting it off. Of course she hadn’t come alone. She would have her teammates, and they would have heard every word he said.
“On my three,” he told her.
“I have to warn you.”
He darted a glance around the corner and spotted a dead man in a suit lying in the yard. He let out a harsh breath. “Your work?”
“I had to get rid of him to find you, didn’t I? Let’s go.” She dodged out from around the corner, her long, shapely legs eating up the distance to the street.
Was she even aware of how fucking sexy she was? No, she didn’t care about such things.She was a SEAL first and foremost, a woman second.
But Slade would always see her as his wife.
On the street, a car peeled up and the door flew open. Lena jumped into the back seat and Slade followed, slamming the door behind them.
“Drive!” She dropped the gun in her lap.
“Nice to see you, Overstreet,” Frost drawled out from behind the wheel as he hit the gas.
He gave them a nod. “Frost, Mustang. Thanks for the lift.”
Mustang twisted in his seat to shoot a grin at Lena.
She threw up a hand to stop anything he might say to her. “Not a word!”
“Why’d you turn off your comms? That’s dangerous, you know.” His voice was teasing.