Page 40 of Sweet Refuge
Very slowly, she planted her elbows on his chest and leaned up to meet his gaze. A glare was in her eyes, but at least she didn’t get off him.
“What makes you think I want to make that mistake again?”
“We’re having a baby.”
“Right. And the part I neededyoufor is over.” With that, she rolled away and crossed the room so fast that she was a blur. She snatched up her clothes and started dressing.
Fuck. She planned on running out that door again, only this time he had leverage. Proof growing inside her that their link was even stronger.
She yanked her pants over her trim hips and then wrangled the tight elastic of her sports bra over her full breasts.
He sat up, scrubbing a hand over his face. “You’re really leaving things like this?”
“I have no idea what you’re referring to. We made another mistake.”
He shot to his feet, anger firing in his nerves. “It wasnota mistake,” he snapped hoarsely.
She rolled her eyes and pulled her top over her head. Then she slipped on her boots with so much composure that if he didn’t know her better, he might actually believe her act.
But he knew deep down that she loved him. Denying that love was part of her shield.
After tying her boots, she strode to the door. “See you at headquarters.” She tossed him a look over her shoulder. “Or not. We’re not on the same team.”
Without another word, she walked out. The door slammed behind her, echoing in the silence and void she left behind.
“So damn stubborn,” he bit off.
How was he going to make her see that they belonged together? Now, more than ever, Lena needed him for help and moral support.
He stared at the door. Then it hit him, what she’d been telling him all along—she didn’t need him. At all.
He just refused to believe it.
Lena balled up the alcohol prep pad, hiding it in her fist. The last thing she needed was one of her teammates catching her sniffing it. Too many questions she didn’t want to answer would be raised. But she also had to function on this team, and that required being at least a little less nauseated than she was now.
As she turned the corner to enter the war room where strategy talks took place, her stomach bubbled. The big screen was turned off, a black rectangle on the wall that looked more ominous than when it was spattered with maps and the faces of terrorists.
Several members of Blackout were already seated around the table in their usual spots.
Sparrow looked up from the computer tablet he held. “That’s the second time you’ve been late, Graham.”
“Sorry.” She didn’t add an excuse. What was the point in making one up? She’d rather face the heat or do a hundred pushups as punishment.
Taking the seat between Mustang and Frost, she ignored the looks they shot each other, as if they’d been discussing her tardiness.
She had to step it up. She was a goddamn Navy SEAL. Deep black ops. She wasn’t going to let a little morning sickness stop her.
Shereallyhad to formulate a plan though. The clock was ticking, and well, she couldn’t unhook herself from Slade fast enough.
Sparrow set down the tablet, indicating the debriefing was about to commence. Everyone gave him their undivided attention. “We’re on a short break, but we have some things to discuss. After our little excursion to Puerto Vallarta, there’s been some unrest, specifically among the Black Bloods.”
Frost spoke up, “Thanks to Graham, who kicked things off by taking out their second-in-command.”
The guys nodded at her in acknowledgement, and Mustang actually put his hands together and clapped.
“We all knew Graham was a badass,” Lachlan chimed in.