Page 51 of Sweet Refuge
When she wasn’t driving him crazy, she was trembling with release in his arms. There was no in-between, which was the problem. Something they’d never figured out was balance. Now they had only a few short months to come to an understanding before they became parents.
Fuck. A child. He wanted it, too. Did Lena?
The longer he walked, the less he knew. At least physical movement helped ease the anxiety constricting his lungs. Sooner or later, Lena would talk to him. He just had to dig deep and find that patience.
In the heat of their lovemaking what she’d said about the cartel leader’s son surfaced in Slade’s mind. By his guess, she vanished to feed the intel to Sparrow or Bishop. What would be done with it was another matter that Slade didn’t want to consider.
She could be sent to find the kid. She could be indanger.
And she was carrying his baby.
She hadn’t even eaten the dinner he brought her before her libido hit overdrive. God, he loved this part of pregnancy, but he and Lena had never had trouble in that department. Their sex life was white-hot and that flame never extinguished.
Before long, he reached the hotel. The long walk hadn’t worn him out enough to sleep, which meant it would be a long night. He rode the elevator to his floor and entered his room.
His empty room.
When he removed his clothes and stretched out on the bed, he ached to call Lena. Maybe she could open up to him on a phone call?
Fat chance, but he’d try anyway. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and dialed her personal number. When the call went to voicemail, he gave up and rolled onto one side, thinking of how it would feel to have the woman he loved plastered against him in sleep. It had been so long since he woke with her in his arms. Why couldn’t he ever shake her?
His desire to have Lena in his life wasn’t something he’d ever be rid of. She was too important to him. When they were synced, it was the best feeling in the world. They were unstoppable. MJ and Peter Parker.
And when they were off, they werereallyoff.
His mind never shut off. Eventually, through the closed blinds, he watched the dawn of a new day creep through the slats. He refused to lie there any longer. He’d return to HQ and find Lena. Maybe wake her up with coffee—if her stomach could handle it.
He showered, dressed and headed back through the city, this time taking a cab that dropped him a few blocks from Blackout. At the entrance, he didn’t have to wait long before Apollo admitted him.
Slade extended his fist for Apollo to bump knuckles. Then he sniffed the air. “No coffee?”
“It’s not even 0600 on our day off.”
“I’ll make it. I know my way around.” He left Apollo and quietly took the long way to the kitchen that led past Lena’s room. Pausing at the door, he heard nothing from within. His hand twitched toward the knob, but he stopped himself from opening it. He didn’t want to wake her if she was asleep—she needed her rest, after all.
In the kitchen, he made a pot of coffee and checked his phone for messages from Con while waiting for it to brew. All was silent from Charlie team. He couldn’t help but wonder what was going on there. If he had to guess, Con was giving him a little rest and respite after Mexico. Slade was no pussy and could handle a few days chained up in a hot garage, but he wouldn’t complain about being left to his own devices right now.
Before the coffeemaker was finished, he poured himself a mug and leaned against the counter, eyes trained on the door. He brought the cup to his lips just as Lena appeared.
He lowered the mug, sloshing hot coffee on his knuckles. It dripped on the floor, and her gaze lowered to the spot on the tile, then back up his body, slowly roaming over his thighs and groin to his abs and chest. Finally, she met his stare.
He bit back a cocky smile. “Coffee?”
She twisted her lips. “I’m going to decline.”
He arched a brow. “Water? Crackers?”
She sucked in a breath. “No. I’m actually on my way out.”
His gut gripped with the worry he felt every single time he heard Alpha was on an op. “Does this have to do with Ramon’s son?”
“No. I have an appointment, if you must know.”
Carefully, he set the coffee down. “I’ll go with you.”
“Again, I’m going to decline. See you later, Slade.” Without another word, she hurried away.
He could follow her, even show up at the appointment for the moral support she was too stubborn to admit she needed. But he just bowed his head and forced himself to let her go.