Page 68 of Sweet Refuge
Slade peeled off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. Then he stepped up to the weight machine and grabbed the bar. When he gave it a test pull, he immediately knew it was too light for him. He needed to push his body to the max, and beyond.
He released the bar, added more weight and grasped it again. When he yanked this time, he got the resistance he craved.
Henevershould have insisted on watching that footage of Lena’s bodycam. The feed hadn’t shown much, but it was enough to remind him of the danger she was in. And goddammit, he wasn’t able to be there on her six.
After only moments of viewing that footage, he had to walk out of the room.
Twenty reps, then fifty, didn’t begin to ease the force of his anger. He was seething with how careless Lena was with her life—and their baby’s.
Damn her.
Was his anger really directed at himself for not trying harder to stop her? He could have stopped her from going on that mission—or any other—with a few words about her condition.
Knowing that she would drop him forever if he did was the only thing that made him bite his tongue. Hell, he’d really bitten into it until he tasted blood. He ran the sore, ragged spot over his molars to feel the pain again.
He finished the set of exercises and switched to another that would take more out of him. But half an hour into the workout, his anger wasn’t abated. Strong emotions rattled around him. He forced air out of his lungs on each rep, thinking of all the things he should have said to Lena to keep her from going.
A dozen scenarios had been running through his head. The team could walk into a trap. The thought of bullets zinging at his beautiful wife made his blood run cold. If something happened to her, he’d never forgive himself.
He knew exactly what the Black Bloods were capable of. Even with their kingpin and second-in-command dead and several more six feet under or in prison, there would still be a call for revenge.
Lena wouldn’t even be involved if not forhim.
With a huff, he bowed his head and let that sink in. If something happened to her, the blame lay at his feet.
“Overstreet.” The feminine voice made him look up to see Gia standing at the door that he hadn’t heard open.
Whatever she saw on his face made her rush forward. “Oh no. Overstreet, what’s going on? Is the baby—”
He gave a rough shake of his head to stop her. “Don’t even say it, Gia. I didn’t even know how much it terrifies me until just now.”
She stepped up to him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you further.”
They traded a look that burned with concern for both of the people they loved. Of all alliances to find, he never could have guessed it would be the pregnant wife of Alpha’s commanding officer.
“Any word?” he grated out.
She shook her head. “It’s one of the things I struggle with—not knowing what’s going on. If he’s safe. I was in the line of fire when we met, you know. I know enough to really let my mind go berserk if I let it. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. You’ve seen it all.”
“Pretty much.” He dragged a palm down his face and moved to take a seat on the bench while she sank to a padded piece of equipment.
“You can’t let this tear you up, Overstreet.”
He issued a guttural grunt. “I’m torn between taking care of her and letting her do her thing. I know the mistakes I’ve made are rooted in the fear of losing her.”
Her big eyes were filled with sympathy and understanding. “You love her. How could you not do everything in your power to make sure she’s safe?”
“How do you do it? Kiss him goodbye and watch him walk away?”
She lifted her delicate shoulders and let them fall. “It doesn’t get easier, but it’s the life I signed up for. I knew the man he was when I got involved. But by then, I was already half in love with him and it was too late.”
He pushed out a sigh. “We’ve barely discussed the baby.”
“She’s afraid. She’ll get there. Be patient.”
He cocked a brow. “I’m Blackout. We aren’t patient.”
She laughed. “You’re also dealing with a member of Blackout. You all share the similar traits that got you here.”