Page 1 of Alessio
Chapter One
I pull up to the temp agency early on a Tuesday morning full of annoyance and ready to return to my normal tasks, which doesn’t involve household chores. However, Dario needs me to handle the staffing after the last fuckup led to a young maid trying to seduce him.
It was a poor attempt at seduction that resulted in a quick firing, so it made him wary of hiring and needs me to take the reins. He doesn’t want a spy or a whore working for him, and it’s my job to make sure the agency gives us the right person.
I asked him why we didn’t just go with a maid service, but they ask too many questions and they have too many people coming in and out without reliable background checks. In our line of work, we need to be sure who we have working around us at all times. With a mansion as large as his, he needs a full staff, and that includes a maid—a well-vetted one.
It’s a headache, but I’m here to do Dario’s bidding as his underboss and cousin. It feels like a task that’s beneath me, although technically, it’s for the best for all of us to have trusted employees that handle the cleaning. A snitch could land us dead or behind bars.
I’m about to get out of the vehicle when a CTA bus pulls up across the street, and I’m frozen to my seat by the sweet thing that exits.
She pops off the bus in a light, summery white and blue sundress with a matching dark blue blazer that’s open and only covering her slender arms. Her ample breasts aren’t hidden from my gaze as she bounds across the road with her tits bouncing. Those round curves slightly peek out from the top of the dress.
My mouth salivates like never before, and I want to follow her wherever she goes but I don’t have the damn time. It’s bullshit.
She’s about ten feet in front of my vehicle, right where I’m headed. Holy hell—please tell me she’s looking for a position. She takes a deep, calming breath before opening the door to the agency and stepping inside.
Immediately I’m on the phone to the director, informing her that I’ll be just a few more moments. Frankly, I can’t exit the vehicle in my current state. Trying to relax and calm my arousal, I remember my priorities and step out of my vehicle, adjusting my dark blue suit that hides my now semi-hard cock.
Sliding on my sunglasses, I inform Michael, my driver, to wait here. “I shouldn’t be too long.”
Entering the office, all eyes are on me and I survey the area for danger. It’s benign, so I move to the desk. With years of experience, I don’t let on that I spot the girl from the bus in the one seat away from a group of men.Good girl. She nervously looks my way, but then quickly looks down.Too late, beautiful.When I turn toward the desk, I catch her head lift back up.Interesting.
“May I help you, sir?” the receptionist asks, smiling as she stares a little too long at my throat.
“Hello, I am Mr. D’Amato,” I inform her.
“Yes, Ms. Walker is expecting you, sir.” She dials her boss’s number, and after a brief call, she gives me her attention again. “She’ll be out in a moment. Would you care for something to drink?”
“No, thank you.” I turn and lean on her desk, pretending to aimlessly look around the room. My little stalker isn’t quick enough to turn away so I train my gaze on her, but she focuses on the hem of her skirt.
Smirking, I wonder if she’s interested or just curious. Then I remember she’s alone in a room full of mostly men, abrasive-looking fuckers too, and safety dictates she protect herself by hiding herself. Damn it. I’m not trying to scare the girl. She should never fear me unless she wants to end up over my knee, getting a nice spanking. I’m not sure where the fuck that came from, but I’m grateful that my suit covers my cock. Hopefully, no one pays too much attention to my pants.
The door opens to the side of the receptionist’s desk, and an older woman steps out. “Sir, I’m Ms. Walker. I’m sorry about the wait.” She smiles politely.
“That is no problem,” I say, even though I’m the one who was late.
“Please join me in my office.”
I hold the door open for her and wait until we’re inside before I close the door and say, “I’d like to ask if you had any candidates in mind for the posting.”
She takes a seat behind her desk while offering me the one in front of it. “Well, Mr. Conti was clear that you would be the one to say what was acceptable and what wasn’t. Although he did mention that selecting a young woman was off the table. Also, he was adamant that those with other obligations, like children and husbands, were not acceptable as well.”
“Yes, but a lot of that is negotiable.” It really isn’t. All I want is the one outside.
“Well, I don’t have a lot of candidates that fit the bill, so it’s hard to fill the slot. I know he’s offering a great deal of money, but I just…”
“Fine. If you have anyone who doesn’t have kids or a husband, that would be a start. We need someone who can devote a great deal of time to working on request. Mr. Conti hosts parties and sometimes special guests in his home. Keeping it clean is very important, but discretion matters as well. Wives tend to gossip to their husbands or can’t devote a lot of time because their husbands or children require it, hence the no spouses or children policy.”
She nods. “Understood.”
She bites her bottom lip, pulling a file from a stack on her desk. “I do have one candidate, although she doesn’t meet your other criteria. She’s young.”
“How young?” I grumble.
She scrunches up her face before saying, “Eighteen.”