Page 11 of Guilty For You
Because the last time I laid eyes on him, I walked away and left him sitting in the court room after he got a life sentence for murder.
And I never looked back, even though he reached into my chest and pulled out my still beating heart and laid it on the table in front of him before I left.
Holding it hostage.
Holding me hostage.
For now and forever.
Chapter 4 – Delilah
“Maddie!Ifyoudon’tcall me back in the next five minutes, I’m going to call Blaine and have him come get you!” I screamed into the phone and then hung up.
My little sister was being a real pain in my ass. I didn’t have any authority over her to make her follow my rules, and she knew it.
She told me she was staying at her best friend, Stella’s house for the night, since it was Friday. But when I had stopped at the grocery store on my way home from my six-hour lab, Stella had been at the checkout ahead of me with her boyfriend.
I made small talk with them and asked what they were up to for the weekend, and Stella said they were heading out to her family camp with her parents for the next two days.
I smiled and told them to have a good time, while seething in anger inside the whole time.
As soon as I was in my car I called my sister’s phone, and she sent me to voicemail.
It was almost eight pm. If she wasn’t at Stella’s then she was more than likely getting herself into trouble somewhere. Which had been her favorite activity as of late.
“Ugh!” I screamed in the silence of my car and then started driving around town, looking for her. She was supposed to be the good one, the one I didn’t have to worry about because I worried about Blaine enough for the both of them.
I drove around for an hour calling her over and over until I couldn’t take it anymore and turned my car towards the clubhouse where my brother always hung out at.
He had told me never to go there, given the highly illegal and dangerous things I knew that went on inside. But I didn’t have a fucking choice.
I pulled into the parking lot, and it was full of bikes and cars, and I could hear the music pumping from inside the building. I pulled my phone out again and tried calling both Blaine and Maddie as a last-ditch effort to avoid getting out of my car, but they both went to voicemail.
I pulled my hair out of the pony tail it’d been in all day and fluffed it to look a little more night party worthy. I wore a pair of jeans, a Nirvana band tee and boots, so at least I was somewhat dressed to look the part of a motorcycle club party attendee. I wanted to just blend in and find my brother and get the fuck out.
People hung out all over the outside of the building, smoking, drinking, and partying. Men in leather vests and women in less clothes than I wore to the swimming pool partied as I walked past towards the door. Some of them looked at me, some of them ignored my presence completely, and I didn’t know which I liked better.
“Hey, baby, you want to go for a ride?” A man twice my age called out and grabbed his crotch as I walked by. I quickened my pace and all but ran inside to get away from him. His mocking laughs chased me, and I changed my mind.
I wanted them to all ignore my presence.
The clubhouse was smoky, dimly lit and smelled like stale beer and weed. Which was exactly how Blaine had smelled since joining. I coughed into my hand as my eyes watered from the haze.
I was never going to find him in a crowd like this, and I didn’t even know if he was here. I couldn’t pick his bike out of the dozens of them outside because they all looked the same to me.
Black, chrome, heavy and loud. I had no business getting near one to know his from the others, so I knew I had to find him personally.
But if he wasn’t here, I didn’t know where else to look. He was so private now, just telling me he was going out, but never where or when he’d be back. I didn’t know where he hung out apart from here and work.
“Hey, baby,” A large hand slapped my ass and I yelped, turning away from the pain. A man with a bald head and a missing front tooth laughed at me, “Come on over here sweet thing, I want to take a closer look at you.” He grabbed for me, and I backed up quickly to avoid his touch, but bumped into another person walking behind me.
“Watch it, cunt.” A man sneered at me as he walked with a woman tucked under his arm. Neither of them even looked conscious enough to be walking upright.
“I’m sorry!” I said quickly, sidestepping and trying to avoid any more collisions.
“Hey, big tits.” The bald man yelled again, drawing attention from more men around him. “Get back here, baby.” He demanded and got up off his stool as I tried to walk away.