Page 26 of Guilty For You
I watched him with rapture as he came unglued above me.
I did that.
And it was so empowering to watch, every single time without fail.
“Tell me something important.” I said as I picked a seed off my cheeseburger bun and tossed it onto the ground. I sat on top of a picnic table with Fox next to me as we looked over the city below and ate take-out cheeseburgers from my favorite diner.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen before.” He said looking at me out of the corner of his eye, “Even when you have mustard smeared on your lip.” He smirked and I rolled my eyes.
I lifted my hand to wipe my mouth, but he caught it and pulled it back before leaning forward to lick away the mess and kiss me.
“Not what I meant.” I whispered against his lips, and he smiled.
“I know.” He leaned back and took another bite of his burger. “How about you tell me something important and I’ll return it.”
I groaned and glared at him but ended up smiling as he shrugged his shoulders and smirked. He always looked so young and carefree when it was just the two of us like this. He had this totally different personality when he was around Blaine or the other guys from the club, and I couldn’t decide which one I liked more.
To be fair, the rough, tough, and dangerous biker was the first side of him I ever met, and it had called to me instantly. As time went on, he gentled himself for me and became a sort of knight in shining armor to me.
A prince charming on a Harley if you will.
I hemmed and hawed over what I wanted to tell him and decided to give him something deep.
“I want to mean something to someone someday.” He looked at me and scowled like he didn’t like that answer. “I mean,” I paused and chewed another bite of food, “Like I want to do something with my life that impacts someone along the way where they can look back and say, ‘that was the moment my life changed for the better’.” I shrugged and took a deep breath, “I just don’t want to die someday knowing I never made a ripple in the ocean for someone else.”
He watched me silently and I was afraid I’d somehow offended him until he smiled and leaned over to kiss me. “You will.” He said against my lips, “You’ll fill the entire ocean with meaning for someone else someday. I just know it.”
I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder, “Your turn.”
He sighed and laid his cheek against the top of my head and looked back out over the lit-up city below. He was quiet for so long, I thought he was going to ignore his turn, but he finally said, “I want to get out of the MC life and have a family someday.”
I leaned back to look up at him with surprise. “A family?”
“Yeah.” He nodded, watching me closely. “A wife, kids, a dog or two. Stability and peace.” He shrugged. “Everything I never had.” He tapped the end of my nose with his finger. “Does that surprise you?”
“Very much so.” I answered honestly, and then elaborated, “You’re usually so stern and serious, I didn’t think kids was the kind of thing you’d long for.” I smiled gently, “But it makes perfect sense.”
“Because if I actually sit back and imagine you with a wife and kids, I know without a doubt you’ll be the best father and husband ever.” He watched me without blinking like he really considered what I said with weight behind it. “You’re the most protective and thoughtful person I’ve ever met, Fox. Both of those qualities will make a great foundation for a family man someday.”
“What about you?” He asked.
I rose my eyebrows at him, “What about me?”
“Do those make good qualities in a man that you’d want to marry and have kids with?”
I swallowed quickly in shock and felt my face brighten up with a blush. “Are you asking if I’d want that with you someday?”
“Yes.” He answered without hesitation, and I could tell how strongly he felt about it in that one word.
I didn’t hesitate to respond, because I already knew the answer. “Yes.” I nodded my head, “I think I’d like that very much.”
“Good.” He said with a smirk before leaning over to kiss me gently. “Because I want that with you so fucking bad.” He growled and I moaned against his lips like a needy bitch.
He could make me come with words alone, I just knew it.
“Are you sure?” I asked, digging for confirmation and reassurance. “It’s only been a few weeks and you’ve been a single man for a while.”