Page 36 of Guilty For You
“No!” I sobbed.
I pulled the phone away and did it again.
“Hey, it’s Blaine, leave a message.”
“It’s not true.” I pleaded into the voicemail, “Say it’s not true, please.”
It felt like my heart was being torn from my chest, while an elephant sat down on it squeezing the air right out of my lungs. The phone clattered to the floor, and I covered my face in agony. I didn’t know how to exist in the world without my momandBlaine. How was I expected to pick the pieces up and move forward anymore?
“Delilah,” Maddie cried, stumbling across the floor to me. “What do we do?”
I stared at her with my mouth open, “I don’t know.”
“Call Fox.” She whispered, picking my phone up and handing it to me. “He’ll know what to do.” She insisted, “He’ll know what we need do.”
I blindly dialed his number and put the phone to my ear as the police officers lingered at the doorway. I didn’t know what their protocol was, but it felt like they were standing there in case one of us lost our actual minds.
But they couldn’t help us.
“Baby, I’m coming. I’m sorry I got tied up with something.” Fox’s tired voice filled my ears, and I covered my mouth to stifle the sob that escaped. “Delilah?” He asked, more alert, “What is it?”
I shook my head and cried harder, something about hearing his voice tore down any last piece of strength I had, and I sank to the floor sobbing for what I’d lost.
“Talk to me, baby.” I heard noise in the background like he was outside.
“Blaine.” I croaked and choked on my breath. Maddie sobbed next to me, clinging to my hand so hard it felt like it would fall off, but it grounded me just enough to get it out.
“What about him?” I could hear the fear in his voice.
“He’s-,” My voice broke, “He’s dead.”
“No,” His own voice cracked, “No he’s not. No, don’t say that. Why would you say that, D?”
“The cops. They’re here. He was murdered.”
“I’m coming. Where are you?” He screamed Blaine’s name, as he lost control. “No! Are you home?”
“Yeah, please hurry Fox. I need you. Please.” I begged for him to save me from my heartache.
“I’m coming, baby, stay with me. I’m coming.” I heard the roar of his motorcycle and then his Bluetooth connected to his helmet, and then it was just wind and his screams as he drove through the night to get to me.
I didn’t pay attention to how long it took him to get to me but in what felt like seconds he was at my door, thundering up the steps and shoving his way in past the cops to get to me.
“Come here.” He slid across the floor and wrapped his strong arms around my shaking shoulders as I wept. He kissed my forehead and held me tight before grabbing Maddie and pulling her into the embrace as well. She clung to us both, so scared and unsure at only sixteen.
And Fox held us up, his strength alone kept us from disintegrating into the floorboards with our tears. “I don’t know what to do.” I gasped and wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Don’t worry about it right now. I’ve got you.” He kissed my hair and rubbed his hands up and down my back before turning his attention to the police. “What happened?”
The young cop stepped inside, “Mr. Beckett was stabbed outside the Corner Stop a few hours ago.”