Page 39 of Guilty For You
“You said you were going to meet me here, but you didn’t show.” I whispered.
“Club shit came up.”
“Not good enough Fox.” I shook my head, “I deserve a real answer.”
His brows dropped over his face, “What are you trying to say, D?”
“You’ve never stood me up before.”
“Shit happens all the time, this was unavoidable.”
“Did you see Blaine after I talked to you?”
“What the fuck?” He roared and backed up like I slapped him. I stood up from my chair and forced my spine to stay strong. “Do you think I fucking killed him?” He snapped.
“I think you had an argument with him and didn’t show up when you said you would. When I clearly needed you!”
“I showed up now!” He yelled, “I didn’t kill your brother!”
“Delilah?” Maddie said meekly from the bottom of the stairs as we stood in a tense standoff.
I knew he didn’t kill Blaine, deep inside of me, but the pain hurt so bad I couldn’t think straight.
No one said anything else as we stared at each other. Fox paced back and forth, running his hands through his hair with his chest rising and falling rapidly as tears spilled over my cheeks.
“Make this make sense for me, Fox.” I whispered.
“I can’t.” He turned on me, “I wish I could, D, but I don’t know what happened.” Roars of motorcycles outside rattled the windows of the house as headlights lit up the front yard. Fox turned and looked out at the lights as his men walked up the front steps. “But I plan to get to the bottom of it,” He turned back to me. “I promise you I’ll make this right. Even if you don’t believe me.”
I didn’t have a chance to reply as he opened the front door and a dozen men from the Rust Hawks MC walked into my dining room with somber looks on their faces. Fox shook hands with them and then came to stand by my side as the President, Colt put his large hand on my shoulder and looked at me with empathy.
“I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now, but I want you to know that we’re here for you through this.”
“That won’t bring Blaine back to me.” I said and shrugged his hand off me. “Tell me that you’ll find the son of a bitch that murdered my brother and then I’ll be interested in talking to you. But if you can’t do that, then leave.”
I didn’t recognize the anger inside of me or the bravery to address such a scary man so forwardly, but I wasn’t the same girl I had been before tonight happened earlier.
Colt nodded his head solemnly, “We’ll find him; and when we do, he’ll pay for it in blood.”
“Good.” I said, feeling strength and exhaustion trying to battle each other inside of me.
Colt turned to Fox, “Cops been by?”
“They were here when I got here, they informed D.”
“What they say?”
Fox clenched his jaw and looked at me. “Go upstairs baby, I’ll be up in a few.” He kissed my forehead again and I let his touch comfort me even as the police officer’s doubts replayed in my head.
I wanted to fight him, I wanted to say fuck that, this was my house. But I was bone weary and I knew Maddie didn’t need to hear the specifics they were about to discuss. I was naïve to a lot of what happened inside of the illegal MC, but not of everything.
I knew if Colt said they’d make someone pay in blood, that meant they’d kill him.
An eye for an eye.
I walked out of the room and took Maddie’s hand, pulling her upstairs and into my room.
“What are they going to do?” She whispered as their voices faded to murmurs through the floor.