Page 47 of Guilty For You
I looked at him and then at Fox in confusion. “Questions about what?”
“Don’t worry about it.” He said, kissing my temple and nodding to the cop. “I’ll get D home and then come down.”
“Good.” The detective said, “Because if we have to come find you, we won’t ask the next time.” His threat was there, and I shivered from the menace behind it.
“Let’s go.” Fox steered me from the room and out into the warm California sunshine, and then into the passenger seat of my car.
When he got behind the wheel and drove us away, I turned to him, “Tell me the truth.”
He looked over at me out of the corner of his eye, “I told you the truth.”
“No,” I sighed, “What do the cops want?”
“To ask about my fight with Blaine.”
“I don’t know,” He shrugged, “Trying to make me the bad guy I guess.”
“That’s not fair.” I turned back in my seat and crossed my arms over my chest, “The real murderer is out there somewhere and they’re wasting their time harassing you.”
“I know, babe.” He grabbed my hand and placed it on his thigh, squeezing it. “But I’ll play their game so they get off my ass and go back to investigating real leads.”
“I just don’t like it.” I pouted.
When we got inside my house, Maddie, Aunt Suzie and Colt sat in the living room. It unnerved me to have the President of the MC inside of my home and so close to my sister, but if I was honest, he’d been nothing but comforting and supportive the last few days.
So, I had to give the guy a break.
“Was it him?” Maddie asked quietly, and hope shined in her eyes behind the puffiness from crying nonstop. I nodded and looked away from her pain. “Damnit.” She whispered, “I was hoping they were wrong.
“Me too.” I sighed and watched as a look passed between Colt and Fox.
Fox nodded and Colt cleared his throat, “I’m sorry, D.” He said, “I’ll let the boys know.” He walked around the furniture and headed out the front door, pausing to pat Fox on the shoulder once on his way out.
“I have to go out.” Fox said to Aunt Suzie, “Can you look after them?”
“Of course,” She said with a bit of annoyance like him even asking was ridiculous.
He kissed me gently, pausing to take a deep breath in against my lips. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” The way he said it sounded ominous. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” I said and grabbed the front of his shirt as he started to pull away, “Come back to me, Fox.” The instruction ached in my throat like if I didn’t say it out loud, he might not do it.
The look on his face was unreadable, and he just leaned forward and kissed my forehead “You’re my only reason to walk this earth, D. I’ll always come back to you.” He whispered before walking away from me.
I watched him go, with a feeling in my gut that things were never going to be the same between us ever again.
This darkness was going to hang over us for the rest of forever, if it didn’t manage to tear us apart first.
I could feel it deep in my bones.
Chapter 13 – Delilah
“Areyoureadytogo, D?” Bones asked at the back door of Cherry’s after closing.
“Yeah.” I nodded and picked up my bag as I scrolled through the pictures that Maddie had sent me of Penelope frolicking through the barn at Aunt Suzie’s ranch mere minutes after they arrived. I smiled at the pictures of my baby and then pocketed my phone before following Bones out.