Page 61 of Guilty For You
Mystomachgrumbledsoloudly it woke me up from the deepest sleep I had ever been in. The haze of confusion and disorientation started to give way as I opened one eye to gauge what time of day it was.
The sun was going down and there was a warm red glow coming in around the curtain on the window next to my bed. I closed my eyes, content to go back to sleep until my alarm went off for work, and snuggled back down under the blankets that were keeping me so warm. But my blanket suddenly came to life and tightened around me, squeezing me like a monster from Penelope’s nightmares and my eyes flew open.
The window I’d admired the sunset through wasn’t mine.
Where the fuck was I?
I lifted the blanket and looked down at my tank top and panties, relieved that those were still on at least. The arm that wrapped around my waist was attached to a hand wedged between my bare breasts underneath of my tank top.
“What the fuck?” I groaned and tried to shake it off and get out of bed.
“What?” A sleepy baritone voice asked from behind me seconds before the arm tightened around me even more and pulled me back against the hottest body I’d ever felt before.
And it was naked.
I looked over my shoulder and shuddered when Fox lifted his head from the pillow with a mane of sexy tousled dark hair fluffed up in every direction and a scowl. “What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?” I gasped and shucked him off harder, this time he let me go. My ribs screamed as I flailed my way out of his bed where I stood looking around in confusion. “This is not my house.”
“It probably will be one day soon.” He said and rolled over onto his back, tucking both hands under his head. The blankets laid alarmingly close to revealing everything below the waist to my traitorous eyes, so I looked away.
“Stop it, that’s not funny, Fox.” I ran my fingers through my hair and gasped at the pain in my side, “Damnit.” I sat down on the bench at the end of the bed out of pure necessity because the more I moved the more the room spun. Memories of him showing up at work when my car was vandalized flooded back. The way I had joked and laughed at him thanks to the lack of sleep and heavy pain killers. Then the sexy ride on his motorcycle to his giant lavish house
“Hey.” His voice dropped all humor and his concerned caring side shone through. “Is it your side?” He leaned to the end of the bed and put his hand on my shoulder to turn me towards him. I went, simply because it hurt too much to breathe suddenly, let alone fight him. Tears swam over my eyes and his face blurred as I looked at him. “Hey.” He said again, leaping from the bed when he saw my tears. He crouched, naked and wonderful, at my feet and put his hands on each side of my face, swiping his thumbs across my cheeks, “Don’t cry, baby.”
“It hurts.” I whispered, hating how weak I felt unexpectedly. “And I’m so tired.” I sagged against his hand as he cupped the back of my neck.
“I know you are.” He leaned up on his knees, so we were face to face. “But you’re done carrying the burden on your shoulders alone anymore, Delilah.” He stared at me intently. “You were never meant to do it all on your own, and now that we’ve found each other again you won’t. I’m going to take care of you.”
“I don’t know how to let you. I’ve done it on my own for so long.” I whispered my biggest fears out loud and shook my head. “What if I can’t just let you in again.”
“I’m not expecting you to just do anything, baby. I’m going to earn it. Every. Fucking. Ounce. Of. It.” He said, leaning forward to press his forehead against mine and I dug my nails into his forearms and sagged against him. “I love you, D.”
I nodded and took a shuddering breath, “I’m sorry I went all crazy on you,” I said, “It took way too long for my memories of this morning to catch up to me.”
He chuckled, “Good to know you don’t hit the hard stuff enough to be good at black outs.”
I scoffed, “I don’t even drink that much. I have no life.”
“Good.” He said and stood up while making sure I was still supported. I was quickly reminded that he was naked when I was face to face with his semi-hard cock. I raised one eyebrow at him as I tore my eyes away from it to look him in the eye. “Sorry, it misses you and has a mind of his own.” He said with a shrug and helped me stand.
“What time is it?” I looked around for a clock. “I have to get ready for work soon.”
“No.” He said without hesitation. “No more Cherry’s.”
“I have to work.”
“No.” He repeated, “The ER is one thing, but Cherry’s isn’t up for argument. I’ll stand at the door and scare every single customer off before they can even think of walking in that place and hitting on you or act like a disrespectful cunt towards you. No.” He shook his head. I raised my eyebrows in silent wonder, and he glared at me.
“Let’s table that discussion for another day, because I think my ribs are hurting enough to warrant a night off anyway.” I said pointedly when he started to object. “And then we can talk about the millions of other things we need to discuss and go back to that one in the end if it’s even important at that point.”
He clenched his teeth and pursed his lips but finally sighed and nodded in agreement. “Let’s get showered and then I’ll feed you and we can talk.”
“Let’s get showered?” I dug my heels in when he lifted my hand and started walking towards the ensuite.
He winked at me and gave me a one-sided smirk, “I want to wash your hair for you, like I used to.”
I scoffed as he pulled me forward again, “I don’t want to get naked with you.”