Page 7 of Guilty For You
“Blaine called you that.”
“Only because it pisses me off.” He said with his eyes still closed, “And I don’t want you to piss me off.”
I sat there and watched him for a few minutes as he silently fell asleep in my chair, wondering why on earth he’d want to sleep in my room, bunched up in my chair instead of at his own place in his bed.
But I’d be lying if I said it didn’t give me a sense of security knowing a giant, strong, powerful man was sleeping a few feet away after the fear I’d felt at night lately.
I quietly laid on my side facing him and pulled the blanket up my body as I watched him sleep. Before long, peaceful slumber pulled me under as well.
Chapter 3 – Delilah
Ilaidonthecouch with my little girl tucked in against my side watching TV after another hectic work week. I had to go to Cherry’s in a couple of hours and the idea of leaving PJ was gutting me for some reason.
My sister Maddie came downstairs with a yawn and a stretch before flopping down on the other end of the couch.
“How was class?” I asked her. She did online classes for her business degree, and it worked out splendidly for us because she could stay at home with PJ while I went to work. It saved me the cost of childcare, which was astronomical, and it saved her the cost of rent so she didn’t have to work and could focus on her studies.
“Boring, but good.” She said, picking up PJ’s feet to put on her lap so she had more room.
Our house lacked a lot of things, and big comfortable furniture was one of them. That shit was expensive and providing for three people on my income alone was hard, so we dealt with what we had.
“Grades still good?” I asked her and she rolled her eyes.
“Yes, Mother.”
Penelope snickered, “Mama, are you staying home tonight?” She turned and looked up at me.
“No,” I pushed her long dark hair back from her face, “I have to work tonight, but I’ll be home when you wake up.”
“Okay,” She sighed and laid her head back down on my lap.
“You know,” Maddie started, “I could take your weekend shifts, so you could stay home.”
“No.” I grunted, shifting my daughter from my lap so I could get up and walk away from the conversation.
But my baby sister followed me into the kitchen when I stopped to make a cup of coffee. “I can handle sixteen hours a week, Delilah. Let me shoulder some of the burden.”
“No.” I cut her off, “The deal was you’d stay home and focus on your studies, and I’d take care of the bills.”
“But you’re dying here.” She propped her hip against the counter and crossed her arms. “You’re skinny, and tired all the time, and you hardly even eat anymore.” She sighed, “All you do is work and take care of Penelope and me, and I appreciate it, I get it, Delilah, but don’t you want more for yourself?”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know,” she threw her hands in the air, “Love. Friendship with someone besides me. Literally anything outside of these walls.”
I rolled my eyes and blew on my coffee, “I don’t have time for any of that.”
“That’s my point!” She protested, “If I took Friday and Saturday night work from you, you could go out and have fun.”
“And who’s going to watch P?” I snapped, annoyed with the same conversation we’d been having for years. “You’d be at work, and I’d still be here at home.”
“You could find someone and incorporate him into your life here at home.”
“Agh,” I cringed, hating the way that even made me feel. “I’m not interested in bringing anyone into our lives. That’s not up for discussion.”
“It’s been five years, D.”