Page 71 of Guilty For You
“Delilah.” Colt hissed, as one of the guards shoved me back down into my seat so hard my teeth chattered together.
“Don’t fucking touch her.” Fox snarled at the man, lunging forward like he was going to do something to him even with his hands and feet chained together. “Fucking Pig.”
One of the guards punched Fox in the stomach so hard that I heard the air hissing out of his lungs as he doubled over and turned red, unable to move any breath into his chest.
“Stop.” I whispered in shock. “No, I’m sorry!” I pleaded.
“Calm down kid.” Colt put his arm over my shoulders, pulling me in against his side and away from the guard who looked all too willing to show Fox he could do whatever he wanted. “Keep your head on straight, don’t forget the point of it all.”
There was a veiled message behind his words, but I couldn’t decipher it as the guards dragged Fox backwards by his elbows. “I love you, D. I always will. I’m sorry.” He hissed and stared at me the whole time with his wild eyes and angry face and what little bit of my heart that was still intact broke.
I sat frozen in place as my eyes jumped back and forth around the room as we heard Fox yelling and screaming down the hallway, thuds and grunts followed, and I knew the guards were beating him for his outburst.
“No.” I whispered in horror. “Please stop.”
Colt turned my face to him and forced me to look at him. “That feeling you have right now, right here.” He tapped his finger over my sternum, “Remember it.” He instructed me. “Remember how much you love that kid right now, because even under the pain and grief and confusion, you know you do. You don’t get a choice with a soulmate and you two are fucking destined to be together.” He shook me gently by my upper arms when I stared at him in shock, unspeaking. “Remember that feeling D. Because someday, someday sooner than you think, you’re going to have to let that feeling back into your heart. And if you don’t, you’ll miss out on all that is destined to be.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Promise me.” He demanded, “Promise me you’ll remember how much you love him and how much it hurt to see him treated that way just now.”
“I can’t-.” I shook my head.
“Promise me, Delilah! For Blaine, because believe me, he’ll want you to remember that.”
“I promise.” I whispered, so confused and in utter shock. “I promise.” Because whether I wanted to or not, I would always remember the pain radiating through my chest as I watched those guards haul him away from me. His screams and grunts of pain would play in my brain on repeat for the rest of my life.
Because Colt was right.
Fox St. Claire was my soulmate, but what he did was unforgiveable, and I was never going to get my happy ending with him.
And that meant I was going to be alone for the rest of my life.
Except for our baby.
The only piece of him I’d ever have would be in our child.
Chapter 21 – Delilah
I was seventeen weeks pregnant, almost halfway through. And my bump was getting harder and harder to hide. I had lost so much weight at the beginning of my pregnancy that when I started showing, it popped out so much easier than it would have when I had more meat on my bones.
Maddie still didn’t know. She moved in with her friend Stella after she found out the truth about Blaine’s murder. It destroyed me to come home one day and find all her belongings… gone.
I had sank to my knees in the center of her empty room and sobbed for hours at how utterly empty I was inside.
First mom, then Blaine and Fox, and now Maddie. The only one I had left was my itty-bitty baby inside of me.
My daughter.
I ended up hospitalized twice during the first sixteen weeks of my pregnancy because of morning sickness. They had upgraded it to hyperemesis gravidarum,extrememorning sickness. Like adding the word extreme to the front of it would somehow make things better. There wasn’t anything to stop it from happening, but they did prescribe me stronger medication to help with the nausea.
Twice I got so dehydrated and run down, my doctor made me stay at the hospital in the maternity ward for the night to get fluids and electrolytes to try to perk me back up while they monitored the baby. They were worried the stress on my body and my baby girl would put me into pre-term labor. And she wouldn’t survive if she was born that early.
There was something that broke inside of my soul as I walked in and out of the hospital each time for appointments and admittances, alone with no one to care how hard I was struggling. I maintained my rigorous school schedule, spending twelve hour shifts in the hospital for clinical training in between classes and labs, on top of taking a part time job in the gift shop in the lobby to help pay for some of the bills piling up without Blaine’s income. I ended up taking out student loans bigger than the tuition costs so I could afford to keep paying taxes on our home and rub enough pennies together to eat and keep the electricity on.