Page 74 of Guilty For You
I was so fucking torn on how that made me feel. If it was anyone else in the entire world, I’d be outraged that they could cut someone’s life short by sixty plus years and destroy a family, and only see the inside of a jail cell for twelve years.
But then I put Fox’s face on the man standing there facing the sentence and twelve and half years felt like an eternity
Our daughter would be almost a teenager before he was free.
He’d miss it all.
I hated that I even thought of it like that. But I had to play both sides of the story out, because my daughter deserved a mother and father in her life.
The judge began, “Mr. St. Claire, I’ve reviewed the case thoroughly and I have to say, I’m feeling pressure from the DA to go hard on you here.” She took her glasses off and laid her elbows on her desk and looked him square in the eye. I knew he was holding her stare, because he was a proud and honorable man, even if he was a murderer. “I’ve considered every side of this case when making my decision. But the fact of the matter is, that you’re a thug.” She said and I saw the demeanor in her face turn like a lightbulb had been turned on. “You’re the scum of this town with your motorcycle gang doing all sorts of illegal activities and your rap sheet is a mile long of small-time crime. At least until now. Now it has an even darker smear over it and I’m not willing to let you add to it. I’m not willing to let you darken someone else’s life with your presence in it.”
“Oh my God.” I whispered hauntedly.
She was going to give him the full twenty-five. I felt sick.
“So, to protect the people of not only this town, but any other town you might have dared to grace with your evilness, I’m using every ounce of my authority to make an example out of you. Mr. St. Claire, I hereby sentence you to life behind bars, without the possibility of parole.”
Gasps filled the room, mine and Maddie’s mixed with those of Fox’s friends and allies. The judge pounded her gavel down on her desk over and over as outbursts started flying from the biker’s mouths.
Things like, “Fucking uncalled for,” and “You psychotic cunt,” flew her way as chaos started building.
“Bailiff’s,” The judge slammed her gavel down again, “Clear the courtroom, take Mr. St. Claire back to his cell.”
I stood up on shaking legs, clinging to the pew back in front of me as the guards started pulling Fox away. He turned to me, and the calm look on his face chilled me to the core.
“I love you.” He shouted over the noise. “Don’t you forget that!”
“Oh my God,” Maddie cried next to me, holding my weight up with an arm around my waist. “I didn’t want him to go away for life.” She whispered. “That’s not fair, to you.”
“Shh.” I hushed her in complete shock, tears streamed down my face. “Let’s get out of here.”
We turned and walked away from the chaos as the bikers started picking up seats and throwing them towards the bench, proving just how uncivilized they could be when provoked.
And we ran away in the fury of it.
Chapter 22 – Delilah
“Maddie.”Igroaned,clutchingmy stomach as I tried to get out of the tub. “Maddie!” I yelled louder as pain and fear burned through my stomach.
“What?” She asked, pushing the door open, “Oh shit.” She grabbed my towel off the back of the door and wrapped it around me, “What’s wrong?”
“Ughhhhh.” I groaned in pain and grabbed a handful of her shirt to hold myself up. “Contractions.”
“Do you think it’s time? Are you in labor?” She held my weight up and helped me down the hall to my bedroom.
“Yep.” I cried as the contraction finally loosened up enough so I could talk.
“Okay.” She sat me down on the edge of my bed. “Okay, don’t panic. We planned for this. We’re prepared.” She pushed her hair out of her face and circled around looking at my room. “Hospital bags, purses, and snacks. The car seat is in the car.” She looked back at me with an excited grin on her face. “Holy shit, D.”
“I know.” I said and started getting dressed in a flowy dress and sandals, the only thing that fit my swollen body at forty weeks pregnant. “But we need to move fast because these hurt like holy hell.”
“Okay,” She said again and ran from my room. When I was finally dressed and making my way down the stairs, she came back in the front door after loading the bags in my car. “Ready?” She asked gleefully.
“Not in the least.” I groaned and froze as another contraction started lighting up my spine. “Fuck these hurt.”