Page 76 of Guilty For You
“I have.” I said gently as a smile crossed my face. “Blaine’s middle name was Peter, and Mom’s name was June, so I decided to name her Penelope June. To go along and honor them both.”
I didn’t bother to tell her that Fox’s full name was Paxton Paul and that he also played a factor in choosing a name that started with P. That could be something for just me to hold onto when the nights were long and cold.
She smiled knowingly, “That’s beautiful, Delilah.” She kissed my cheek and then leaned down to kiss Penelope’s forehead, “Hi, little Penny bug, we both love you so much already and you’re going to be the absolute light of our lives, I promise you.”
I wiped away a tear at the mix of happiness and sorrow and made a vow to myself at that moment. I’d never show Penelope the pain and turmoil inside of me as long as I lived. She would know nothing but love and happiness and comfort and joy. I’d shield her from heartbreak and agony with my dying breath for as long as I could. Because she was the absolute light of my life, the only thing to keep me going strong every day, and I’d honor that.
After today, I’d be everything she needed and more. I had to be.
Chapter 23 – Delilah
Ishoweredquickly,eventhough everything inside of me wanted to just sit on the warm stone bench and bask in the relaxing water. Past experience told me if I took too much time Fox would come join me, and I wasn’t ready for that.
Thus, I showered quickly and toweled off and put on the white tee and boxers he left for me on the counter. They were both giant and hung off me, but there was something soothing about wearing his clothes in his home, so I didn’t fight it.
I toweled my hair dry and brushed it out with his brush before tying it up in a messy bun. There was no short supply of hair accoutrements in Fox’s home, and I loved that. There was also a bottle of extra strength ibuprofen sitting next to the pile of clothes and I eagerly took a few. I wasn’t overly anxious to take any more of the prescription pain pills when I knew we needed to have difficult talks. I needed my wits about me. And Fox was always ready to anticipate my needs and be ready for them before I asked him to be.
When I couldn’t prolong it anymore, I walked out of the bedroom to find him.
And man, the mouthwatering sensation I experienced when I did.
Fox stood with his back to me at the stove in the kitchen, flipping what smelled like delicious chicken in a pan. He had his hair down and it looked like silk where it brushed his bare shoulders.
Those shoulders.
He was so fucking wide and strong, and standing in a pair of grey sweatpants and nothing else, he was drool worthy.
Duly I took the moment to admire his body and expansive tattoos that covered his back and arms.
His back had a giant dark tattoo of an ocean scene and something about it called to me, drawing me in. From my spot across the room, I could make out a swirling sea with giant waves crashing down on a rocky shore. On the shore stood a woman, or goddess maybe, and it looked like she was singing.
But as I tried to decipher it further, he shifted, reaching for something and the spell the tattoo had on me was broken.
I didn’t want to stand and spy on him in silence anymore, telling myself to study his artwork in more detail later. “Hey.” I said from the living room as I walked closer, and he looked over his shoulder at me with a grin on his face.
“You look good in my clothes, baby.” He bit his bottom lip as his eyes scanned me from head to toe. “Damn good.”
“Thanks for lending them to me.” I put my hands on the cool marble top at the island. “Is there something I can do to help?”
“Nah, I want you to sit down and relax while I cook for you.” He said, turning off the burner as he moved to the island with a cutting board and an array of vegetables.
“What are we having?” I leaned over the countertop to look closer. He was chopping up scallions, mushrooms, and squash.
“I’ll be honest with you.” He smirked and winked at me as he slid the big knife through the mushrooms, “I don’t cook too often; It’s kind of depressing to do for one person, therefore I didn’t have a full meal ready to go for us on short notice. I just kind of tossed stuff together and we’ll have to pretend they all taste good together.”
“Well thank you for your honesty.” I smirked, “Now that I know, I’ll make sure to keep my critiquing gentle.”
He chuckled and moved onto the scallions. “Tell me about your life.” He watched the motion of the knife with laser sharp precision. “What brought you to Belden?”
“The hospital here offered a giant sign on bonus for new graduates,” I shrugged my shoulders. “And it was as far away from Rawlins County as I could get on my gas money.”
He paused and looked up at me as his jaw clenched tightly. “Why didn’t you take the money that Colt set up for you?”
“Because I didn’t want anything from you.” I answered honestly.