Page 93 of Guilty For You
“For as long as I could. I didn’t have nearly as much time with him as I wanted, but I made it fucking hurt. We walked out and the lockdown alarm rang within a few minutes after that, signaling his death. And Colt had the tape to the cops that night, starting the process for my release. Because I was in the cell block for less than twenty-four hours, the paperwork hadn’t even been finalized placing me there. As far as anyone knew, the man that killed your brother and the man falsely convicted of doing it were miles apart in different facilities.”
“So there’s no chance that you’ll get pinned for it?” I asked one of my biggest fears. I didn’t want to start my life with him again and have him ripped away from me, identical to last time.
“There’s always that chance, baby, I won’t lie and say that there isn’t. But I’ve done my due diligence over the last two years making that less and less likely.”
“Do I want to know how?” I questioned, running my hands up his arms to his neck, holding myself to him.
“I got my road name Fox for being sneaky and having an insane ability to get into places I shouldn’t be.” He shrugged with a smirk, “I’ve padded my pockets with even more dirt on all the parties involved, and popped in periodically to remind them who holds the cards.”
“Do you still talk to Colt?”
He nodded, “Occasionally. He wasn’t super excited for me to leave Rawlins, but he knew I was looking for you and he knew I had a debt to settle with Houston.” He shrugged, “I’m not opposed to going back there someday, but I won’t be in the game like I used to be.”
“I don’t want to go back.” I replied firmly, “Rawlins holds too many bad memories for me.” I shivered as panic at the idea started to build. “I don’t want Penny growing up like I did.”
“Okay.” He put his hands on the sides of my face as I got worked up, “Hey, Delilah,” He held me firm when I tried to pull away, “Stop. We won’t go back.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead and then I clung to him. “I’m never going to choose anyone over you and Penny, baby. My loyalty is to you two first and foremost.”
“On my last breath,” He assured me.
“Okay.” I sighed and leaned into him. “I’m sorry.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder, “I don’t mind visiting, I mean, it’s been years since I’ve been to my mom and Blaine’s grave. I just don’t want to live there.”
“I hear you.” He ran his hands up and down my spine soothing me, “Loud and clear, baby.”
“Good.” I feigned dominance, “Don’t make me repeat myself.” I chuckled before I could finish the impression.
“Hmm. You want to be a boss huh?” He asked, picking me up off the counter before walking us towards his bedroom. “Well then, let’s see what you got, baby.”
“Good boy.” I giggled and then moaned when he slid his fingers against my naked pussy under the hem of the shirt I was wearing.
We rode across town on his motorcycle to my rental as the sun started sinking down over the horizon. I desperately needed my own clothes to wear, and I needed to check on my home. And figure out my car. And so many other things.
Fox had been hush-hush about the Taz situation, which led me to believe that he was still on the run. A part of me hoped he just left town and never came back, but another part of me, a darker part of me, hoped he showed his ugly head one more time so Fox could bury him in the ground for what he did to me.
I didn’t recognize that part of myself, but I remembered her from the night I found out Blaine was dead when I demanded Colt find the man that did it and make him pay. Perhaps there was a dark side to me after all.
Last night when Penelope called me, I had put her on speakerphone and Fox listened, hearing her voice for the first time and the awe that shined from his watery green eyes amazed me. He was smitten with her already and I couldn’t wait to see them together for the first time. I desperately wanted them to live in one home and make up for lost time. I just had to do it right.
When we pulled into my driveway, I was surprised to see my car with four new tires parked around the back. Fox hadn’t told me he had it fixed, of course, but I wasn’t shocked that he did it. He had a knack for taking care of things on his own.
I slid off his bike and gave him a pointed eye roll as I looked at my car before leaning down and kissing him, “Thank you.”
“Hmm.” He hummed with a smirk and stood up off his bike, as I drooled watching his long legs and strong shoulders move under the blue and white flannel and jeans he wore.
I shook my head when he stared at me knowingly and walked away before I got the urge to jump him right there on the front lawn. “Come on, Casanova.” I called and walked up the back steps before unlocking the door and going inside. “It’s nothing like your place, but it’s home.”
Fox looked around the small kitchen and into the living room as I stood off to the side to watch him meander around my space. He walked over to the wall where pictures of Penelope hung and stared at them, running his finger over the frame like he was looking into the eyes of the holy spirit or something.
“God, she’s so beautiful.” He murmured with a slight shake of his head, “Teenage years are going to be the death of me.”
I snorted and ran my hand over his back as I walked past, “Honey you should see the temper tantrums a four-year-old can throw. Maddie calls her a sass-hole some days.”
He chuckled and followed me as I climbed the stairs. When we got to the top I went to her room and opened the door, stepping to the side so he could see in.
“Holy purple.” He smiled and walked in, turning around in the small space to take it all in.
“That’s her favorite color, for the time being. Anything unicorns and rainbows are pretty much guaranteed to make her happy too.”