Page 106 of Sinister Vows
“Ew.” Anita curled her upper lip and leaned back.
“See.” I glared at Amelia who just raised an eyebrow amused. “We decided to make a truce. Neither of us actually chose the marriage, but we were forced into it for different reasons, and after fighting almost nonstop and both of us being miserable, we just decided to… get along.” I shrugged. “After that, things gotbetter.”
“And now you’re knocked up with the heir to the Cosa Nostra and suddenly our father wants you dead for foiling his plan to murder your husband and marry you off to someone else instead once he realized he wasn’t going to be able to use you to control the Don. In return, our brothers and your husband are going to murder our parents and turn us all into orphans.” Amelia droned on like she was listing off a grocery list. “Did I miss anything else?”
“Nope.” I popped the ‘p’ dramatically. “That about sums it up.”
“Good.” Amelia clapped her hands and stood up. “Then let's just focus on keeping you happy and relaxed for the next few hours so it can all go off without the men worrying about your delicate condition and then we can all go on with our lives.”
“You don’t have to be so rude about it.” Anita gasped, dropping my hand and crossing her arms looking up at our sister who made it all seem normal. “You guys may be okay with being orphans, but I’m not.” My heart hurt for my little sister as tears lined her lower lashes. She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back into the couch. “I know Mom and Dad weren’t the best parents to you guys, and I wish I understood why. But they weren’t bad to me.”
“I know, bug.” I sighed, pulling her into my arms. “But if you knew even a fraction of what they did to all of us, you’d be less inclined to allow their favoritism to shadow your mind.”
“I know.” She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. “I’m just torn.”
“That’s fair,” I admitted. “How about we just don’t talk about it, good or bad? The guys are going to do what needs to be done, regardless of how we feel. That’s the joy of being the Don.” I reminded her. “So how about we just have a day together where we don’t worry about everything.”
“Okay.” She nodded, “I have really missed you since you’ve been gone.”
“You sound surprised by that.” I snorted and Amelia smirked down at our little sister.
“Well, you were so cold-shouldered before the wedding.” Anita grimaced. “It was kind of like you were already gone before you moved here.”
“Duh, Anita.” Amelia snapped, “Because they drugged her to keep her quiet.”
“Amelia.” I hushed.
“They what?” Anita asked leaning back to look at me. “They drugged you?”
I looked down at my innocent little sister and found myself wondering what she knew and what she was just naïve of. “Don’t worry about it today. Let’s just enjoy our day.” I kissed her hair and looked at Amelia. “Right?”
Amelia looked sad but she nodded her head, putting her brave face on and agreeing with me. “Right.”
Chapter 24- Nico
Single-handedly the most beautiful woman in the world.
She sat at the kitchen island with her sisters, helping the chef prepare desserts for their evening movie marathon that Ari had planned to distract themselves from what we would be doing at the same time.
The woman that had tried to kill Arianna eventually confessed who her contact was within the Rosetti security detail, revealing who gave her the instructions to follow. Turns out, the man was soft on the devious woman, and with a little assistance from her, we were able to schedule a meeting with him tonight.
The guard thought he was meeting up for a status update and a quick fuck behind some dumpster in the city. When in reality he’d be captured and forced to lead us to my sniveling father-in-law.
Who was conveniently scheduled to meet with the man who he planned to marry Arianna off to before he decided to kill her instead.
Valentina never got a chance to alert the Rosetti’s that the attempt on Arianna’s life had been foiled, so to their knowledge, we were still two steps behind them.
When in reality we were right on their heels.
Emilio was meeting with Matthew Rizzio, Arianna’s would-be future husband, to assure the lad that things were going swimmingly in his plans to kill me and offer his daughter to him.
According to Carmine, Matthew had been obsessed with Arianna for years, making him the perfect target to marry a ‘tainted’ bride off to after my death.
Emilio didn’t plan to tell Matthew that he was actively trying to kill his daughter before killing me and was probably just sucking him dry for what he could until the truth revealed itself.
Matthew would find out tonight how wrong he’d been to plot against me with Emilio though.