Page 108 of Sinister Vows
“Not talking about it.”
“We have nothing else to talk about on the trip there. We might as well talk about the woman you’ve been crushing on forever.” I chatted.
He rolled his eyes, “You sound like an old hag, gossiping in a hair salon.” I tipped my head back and laughed, surprising him and the other men in the vehicle. “Arianna’s done something to your head.” He grumbled, looking back out the window.
“Yeah,” I shrugged, “She has. The same thing Molly will do to yours if you're lucky.” I replied as he let the silence stretch on as we neared our target.
“Yougood?”Matteoaskedlater when we sat at our rendezvous point, waiting for someone to get their eyes on Emilio before we moved in.
“Yeah,” I replied, looking through the binoculars into the estate that Matthew Rizzio had just purchased.
He didn’t know it, but he had purchased it from me, conveniently giving me insider information on the comings and goings of the property. I knew the men that worked the estate for decades prior to the arrival, and they stayed loyal to me even after the transition.
I didn’t know how much it was going to come in handy until today though.
A car pulled up next to us and I glanced over my shoulder as Cristian got out and walked to my side. “Any update?”
He shook his head, adjusting his black suit. “Carmine got a call from Emilio an hour ago to meet him here. That’s it.”
“Seems suspicious that Emilio would give his whereabouts out to anyone that far in advance,” I said, squinting as speculation filled my gut.
“I agree.” He responded, looking over to Matteo and then down to the grounds. “Think it’s a trap?”
“I think Emilio is too good at being a snake to not have a backup plan. I just don’t know if sabotage was his original plan or not.” I grumbled, hating the uncertainty.
“What are we going to do?” Matteo asked.
“Wait for confirmation that he’s even here,” I responded. “And then we’ll feel it out. Worst comes to worst we’ll blow the fucking house up with him inside of it.” I shrugged. “But that’s plan B because I want to see the look in his eyes when I kill him.”
An hour later, we had our answer when Luca radioed from his position across the property. “Head Rosetti has arrived, with second Rosetti in tow.”
“Got it. Wait for orders.” Matteo responded and then looked at me. “What do you say, boss?”
I used the binoculars and watched the car roll down the expansive driveway and stop at the front door, with its army of vehicles. Emilio stepped from the back of his SUV and Carmine got out behind him, following his father into the house.
Seconds before he stepped inside, he looked out over the tree line, not sure where we were, but that we were there, and nodded his head once.
“No trap.” Cristian interpreted for us.
“That he knows of, anyway,” I responded, dropping the binoculars.
“Or that he’s willing to tell us about,” Matteo grumbled from next to me, eyeing me closely.
He didn’t trust Carmine and Cristian, and I got that. They were the blood and flesh of the man we were hunting after all.
But I trusted Arianna, and she trusted them.
So I’d have to give them the benefit of the doubt until they showed differently.
“Let’s move.” I nodded to Matteo and then to Cristian. “You’ll ride with me.”
He gave me a curt nod, understanding that if I had to, I’d use him in a trap, yet allow it which showed good in his favor.
Before I even took a step forward toward the car, gunfire and explosions rang out all around. Mayhem ensued, screams tore through the night air as my men and I fired into the darkness, using the glowing flash of bullets coming our way to trace back to the guns firing the rounds.
Men fell to their knees and continued firing until their bodies no longer functioned. Death swirled all around me as we persisted to fight.