Page 17 of Sinister Vows
He pressed his warm lips to mine roughly, exerting his power over me with a simple move and I froze into solid stone at his touch. The crowd clapped and cheered like they were actually happy at the union that was just created through the entire bizarre situation.
I expected him to pull back, now that the marriage was sealed, but he didn’t. He growled against my closed mouth and then bit my bottom lip, making me gasp in outrage. When I did, he deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue in and possessing my mouth like it was now his. The cheers got louder, and rowdier as men catcalled and jeered at his possessive display.
Worse yet, my body melted to his touch, giving into the desire that he created inside of me just like last night when he pressed into my body.
“Please,” I panted against his lips, begging for reprieve as everyone watched.
“You’ll be begging again soon enough, Little One,” he growled, and then lowered his lips to my ear, “I wear the imprint of your teeth over my heart and your nails down the back of my neck.” I could feel his smirk against my skin as he dropped his lips to my neck. “I wonder what your dear old daddy would say if he knew I could still taste your sweet cunt on my tongue?”
I gasped and then clenched my teeth to keep myself from rising to his bait as he pulled back to look down at me, waiting for… an outburst?
I didn’t know. But he wasn’t going to get it from me.
I’d been beaten down way too much in my life to rise to his challenge just because he wanted me to. Instead, I pushed my shoulders back and kept my mouth shut as the crowd waited for us to walk back down the aisle as husband and wife.
He raised one of his dark eyebrows at me and then smirked, taking my left hand in his and turning away to lead me down the steps and back towards the house silently.
He shook hands with men along the way and got more than a few claps on the back as the men stared at me with wild looks in their eyes and the women glared daggers like I’d taken something of theirs.
I felt like I was living in some faraway reality that didn’t make any sense, where everyone was in on a joke except me.
And it was about me.
I kept the same impassive look on my face through the entire bizarre parade until we were inside where Molly, Saul, and Dio waited for us. As soon as we cleared the threshold Nicolas dropped my hand and walked over to the lavish bar to pour himself a tall glass of liquor and threw it back without even a wince.
“Ma’am,” Molly said gently, catching me off guard. I suppose now that I was married, I was no longer a Miss. “Put this on it to stop the swelling,” She wrapped a bag of ice in a linen cloth and gently pressed it to my sore hand. I’d almost forgotten that she was behind me when my father crushed it.
“Thank you,” I whispered in complete dismay.
“Swelling?” Nicolas barked from his spot across the room as he stared at us. “What are you talking about?”
I ignored him and put the ice on my hand gently, hissing when even the weight of it hurt against my knuckles.
Two of them were dislocated. I could tell from just looking at them, purple bruises were starting to form under the skin. Once again, my father had managed to disfigure me.
“I asked you a question, Wife,” he hissed the last word like an insult, and I hated that he was so angry with me for some reason.
I was the one that was tricked, forced, and injured into this marriage.
For fucks sake, I’d spent the last six months comatose because of this entire affair.
“It’s nothing,” I replied, not looking up as Molly fussed over the cloth, holding it closed over the ice.
I heard his heavy footsteps as he crossed the room and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, fighting the urge to run. I had nowhere to go anymore, this was my life.
Molly stepped back when he neared with a small smile and a nod to her boss. He lifted the bag of ice off my hand and looked at it where I cradled it against my chest. I refused to look up at him and instead stared at the floor as tears burned the back of my eyes.
“What happened?”
“Nothing,” I answered out of habit. He was an outsider, and I was taught at a very young age to keep family things inside the family.
He shifted and I dared to take a glance up at him in time to see him look over his shoulder to Saul, who stepped forward.
“Her father broke it as he walked her down the aisle,” Saul said evenly, “To keep her from acting out.”