Page 34 of Sinister Vows
Since my wedding to be exact.
Something was holding me here, and the more I tried to act like it wasn’t the enticing presence of my new wife, the harder it was to come up with excuses to stay. In reality, I could conduct most of my business from my office at Armarow, I just never had. I hardly stayed on the country property for more than a few days at a time to recharge and relax, because my penthouse in the city was far better suited for business.
But here I was, summoning the darkest and most depraved men on my books from all over the country to my private home and entertaining them so I could maintain my reign without leaving Arianna’s side.
Because I wasn’t ready to let her leave this place and share her with the rest of the world.
Tonight she would stand at my side, as my wife.
As the most important woman in theCosa Nostra.
It was her coming out in a way, as the wedding had a very short guest list of only family and captains that could be considered family. The dinner being put on tonight would serve as her time to take her throne.
And she didn’t even know it.
I took another drag off my cigar and let the familiar taste of the smoke fill my lungs and dance across my tongue as I pretended to listen and care about what my men were trying to share with me.
But my mind was stuck on the beautiful brunette due downstairs any moment now. I had gone up and picked out her dress for the evening, even going as far as laying out the lingerie I wanted her to wear and paired it with sexy new shoes and jewels I had delivered for her as well while she was in the shower.
My body physically ached to see her wearing all of my gifts.
I was fucked in the head over her already, which shouldn’t have been surprising considering I made the knee-jerk decision to go through with the wedding after seeing her across the room at a gala last year.
I guess in a way I had been fucked over her since then.
Except, it was worse now that I had tasted her.
Taken her.
Marked her and claimed her as mine.
Even going as far as purposely trying to impregnate her with my child to cement the link between us forever.
Like I said,fucked in the head.
“Boss,” Saul pulled my attention from my dance down daydream alley into the present with a quiet nod, “Mrs. Capasso is on her way down.”
“Thank you.” I snubbed my cigar out and tossed back the rest of my drink and watched the double doors across the room for her arrival.
“Anxious about something, Capa?” Luca Farone, a goodfella that had been a part of the Capasso family organization since before I was born, harassed me.
“Hmm.” I hummed, trying to ignore him as the other men around me chuckled, enjoying my obvious distraction. “The only ones here that should be anxious tonight are the lot of you.” I pulled my eyes away from the door and faced them down, “Because if any single one of you steps out of line in my wife’s presence, I’ll gut you right in front of her and keep your still beating heart for her collection.”
Luca held his hands up and chuckled, “We’ll be true boy scouts this evening,” He looked around the group, “We all got the warning with the invitation.”
“Good,” I said as the double doors opened, and Dio stood to the side to let my wife enter the room. Suddenly no one else in the room existed.
Her step faltered slightly when she saw the packed space, but before any of the eyes turned to her, she caught herself and the mask of duty slid over her features as she searched for me in the room.
When her liquid chocolate eyes found mine, I tried to tell myself a veil of comfort or familiarity passed through her, but I was probably lying to myself.
I watched with rapture as her slender body moved through the crowd, as my men parted and bowed their heads to her as she passed. I also noticed how their eyes took generous gazes at her sensual body wrapped in the rose gold-colored lace dress I picked out for her.
The lace almost matched her skin tone and while the dress covered her from collar bones to the top of her thighs, the fabric was sheer everywhere that wasn’t covering her breasts and waist, giving off the sexuality of my wife’s body without exposing her completely to the men’s hungry eyes.
“Arianna,” I held my hand out to her as she neared and she took it, sliding her dainty fingers through mine as I pulled her to my side. “You look ravishing this evening.”
She looked up at me as a blush covered her cheeks, “You have nice taste, I’ll give you that much.” She gently brushed her fingers over the diamond choker wrapped around her throat before she looked away to the men staring at her.