Page 38 of Sinister Vows
The diamond choker he laid out with my dress earlier in the evening sparkled brightly in the warm light of the mirror and compared to the red and black fabric it nearly glowed.
I slid the matching red satin floor-length robe over the ensemble and tightened the sash as a knock sounded at the bedroom door. “Ari?” Molly called and I walked out to her.
“Do you ever sleep, Molly?” I smiled at her and looked at the ornate clock on the wall. It was nearly ten at night and she had been up and attending me first thing that same morning, as she would be tomorrow as well. “Do you live here?”
She chuckled and stepped aside so Dr. Travis could come into the room with her sleek black medical bag before answering. “I do live on the estate grounds. Most of the staff does. And I sleep more than enough, thank you.”
“Hmm.” I hummed, fingering my smooth hair before addressing the doctor, “Hello, Dr. Travis.”
“Mrs. Capasso,” She nodded politely, “How are you feeling this evening? How’s your hand?”
“It’s better,” I lifted my hand and slowly clenched it into a fist feeling only a slight twinge of pain still. “I’m managing.”
“Good to hear.” She smiled and set her bag down, holding her hand out for mine and gently probing the knuckles that she had replaced a few days ago. “It looks to have healed perfectly; I’d expect the last of the tenderness to resolve in the next few days. You may have some long-term effects from the injury, like occasional stiffness or throbbing when the weather changes,” She smiled sweetly, “Things like that. But I wouldn’t expect too much of a hindrance on your life from it.”
“Thank you.” I took my hand back and looked to where Molly stood waiting for the doctor. “Is that it?”
“Actually,” Dr. Travis drew my attention back to her, “I need a urine sample from you.” She turned to her bag and withdrew a specimen cup and a tray of test strips. “And a blood sample.”
“For what?” I took a step back from her as she laid a blood draw kit out on the table. “What does that have to do with my hand?”
“Nothing, Ma’am.” She continued setting out her things, “Mr. Capasso requested it.”
“For what though?” I snapped, hating how she avoided my gaze.
“Your physical.” She finally faced me, “And your reproductive analysis.”
My ears burned red with embarrassment and a ringing pulsed inside of my head as her words penetrated my brain.
Reproductive analysis.
I was only here to give him sons.
Anger flared inside of my chest as his words from our wedding night repeated on a loop.
“Reproductive analysis,” I repeated and even if I tried, the sneer behind my words was obvious, catching the doctor off guard.
“Yes,” she faltered, “To make sure your hormones are all level and to make sure they match up with where you are in your cycle.” Her eyebrows knitted in the center of her kind face. “Mr. Capasso said you two were hoping to get pregnant soon.”
“Ha,” I scoffed bitterly, “I assure you, only one of us has made that our plan.” I crossed my arms over my chest defiantly and paced in front of the fire. “What are my options for contraceptives?”
I felt bad for the doctor as she stared at me, completely unprepared for the conversation. Even Molly looked uncomfortable, though if I bothered to look hard enough, I could almost see a bit of outrage in her gentle eyes as well.
“I wasn’t permitted to give you any contraceptive,” Dr. Travis finally said, stiffening her spine. “I don’t think Mr. Capasso would approve given his previous statements to me.”
“I don’t care whatMr. Capassowants.” I hissed, “Doesn’t what I want matter?”
She sighed almost sadly and looked at me like an errant child.
Like my parents used to when I dared to balk at their rules.
“Even if I did give you some sort of contraceptive Arianna,” She said kindly, “He’d fire me and bring in another doctor, probably a male who would care very little for your comfort or well-being, and he’d have them counteracted.”
“So I have no choice but to be bred?” I snapped and then looked away, hating how my fight wasn’t even with her but instead with Nicolas. Who conveniently wasn’t here to receive my anger. “Whatever.” I picked the cup up off the table and stomped my way to the ensuite. “Maybe I’ll be infertile, so he can off me and find another wife better suited for hisneeds.”
I slammed the door shut behind me and leaned my head against it as a sudden feeling of despondence fell onto my shoulders.