Page 58 of Sinister Vows
“Shh,” she hissed, “Did you take the test yet?”
“No.” I nodded to the cup on the back of the toilet. “Why?”
“Good!” She ran across the room, pulling a specimen cup from her apron and switching it out for the empty one.
“Is that pee?” I cringed as she turned back to me and rolled her eyes. “What are you doing?”
“I thought maybe you’d want to find out in private. Then you could decide what to do with that information and when.” She pulled a plastic container from the other pocket of her apron and handed it to me.
A pregnancy test.
“I’m confused.”
“That’s my pee,” She nodded behind her to the cup as she handed me back the empty cup. “I assure you, I’m not pregnant.” She smirked, “But you probably are, and the second that Dr. Travis tests your pee, she’s going to tell Mr. Capasso and then your already tense relationship will get worse. So give her my pee, get the negative test from her, and buy yourself some time. Take the other test in private after she leaves to know for sure. But at least then you’ll be in charge of the outcome for a little while.”
I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into a tight hug, trying to express how much her act of defiance meant to me. “You must really hate your job to keep putting it on the line for me.” I said after a while, “But thank you.”
She hugged me back, squeezing me tight before pulling back, “I love my job way more since you arrived, to be honest. But I have morals and you deserve to have someone unapologetically in your corner.”
A light knock sounded from the door, “Mrs. Capasso, is everything okay in there?” Dr. Travis asked and Molly’s eyes rounded wide.
“Hurry, hide the test and the empty cup, and get back out there. Mr. Capasso was on his way back inside when I ran up here.”
“Okay.” I tucked the stick and cup in the back of my makeup drawer as she opened the false panel of tile in the wall. “Thank you,” I whispered.
She winked and disappeared into the darkness.
“I’m coming!” I called, picking up the filled cup and taking a calming breath before walking out to the bedroom where the doctor waited.
With my husband.
“I’ll take that, Mrs. Capasso,” Dr. Travis said as I stood frozen in the doorway, hesitant to betray Nico.
I bit my lip to keep my mouth shut as she took it over to her test station and got busy dipping strips into the urine. I avoided Nico’s stare and walked to the window to distract myself.
I didn’t want to lie to him. But I wasn’t ready to be completely bombarded by him either. A part of me knew, if I was pregnant, the second he found out, he’d tighten up the already tight restraints he had put on my life. Because he was a protector first, that was easy to tell. He’d protect me to protect his unborn child, to a fault.
I just wasn’t ready to give up what little freedom I’d gained in my time at Armarow.
I would take the test later and find out the truth, and if I was pregnant. I’d tell him the truth eventually.
Just not yet.
I just wanted a little bit longer to be… me.
Before I was simply the vessel carrying the future Don.
“What is it?” Nico startled me when he spoke directly behind me, setting his hand on my shoulder, “You seem nervous.”
I shrugged, refusing to face him. “Just waiting for the news.”
“Does the idea of being the mother to my children still repulse you so much?” he asked and I couldn’t fight the urge to look at him any longer.
I turned and looked up at him, feeling the anger and rejection radiating off of him. “The idea of having kids with you has never repulsed me, Nico,” I said gently.
“Then tell me what it is that has you so upset.”
I dropped his gaze and stared at a button on his shirt, letting my finger drift up to feel the cool metal under my fingertips. “I never fantasized about being someone’s broodmare.” His hand slid over mine, pressing it flat against his stomach. “I wanted to mean more to someone.” I looked up, “Is that so hard to imagine?”