Page 71 of Sinister Vows
“She’s been overheated all day and then after we ate she started getting paler and paler and then she stood up and fainted. I barely caught her before she hit her head off the table.”
“Let’s get her back to the boat. Call Reck and have him get a doctor on board now.”
I listened as they all worked around me but stayed silent. I was incredibly embarrassed by the weakness I just showed the entire restaurant and wanted nothing but the privacy of my bedroom on board where I could rest and cool down.
“I just overdid it,” I finally said as we neared the dock. “I shouldn’t have stayed out so long, and I think I didn’t drink enough water.”
“We’ll get you looked at to make sure,” Molly said pointedly, and I knew what she was thinking without her having to say anything.
We didn’t know if I was pregnant or not yet. Because I hadn’t started my period or taken the spare test after Nicolas interrupted us with the impromptu getaway. I had the single test stick buried in the bottom of my makeup kit in the bathroom on board but hadn’t taken it.
Simply because I was afraid of the results.
Could that be why I got so lightheaded though?
Was I pregnant?
“Here we are,” Molly said as the car stopped directly behind the lavish yacht. “Let’s get you on board.”
“Is Nico on?”
Saul helped me out of the car and steadied me as I tilted a bit again when my feet were on solid ground. “I’m not sure yet,” he said, “He’s been on and off all day in meetings.”
“Don’t bother him if he’s not here. I’m fine now, I feel much better. I’m just tired.”
He didn’t agree but nodded dutifully.
Molly hovered close with her hand on my elbow as we walked through the living space on board. When we neared the saloon, voices carried through the open door onto the sky deck and I cringed but forged on, shrugging Molly off.
I had to go through the saloon to get to the private staircase down to the master cabin unless I wanted to walk all the way around to the service staircase from the crew quarters, and it sounded like Nico was entertaining in there.
When I crossed the threshold a cloud of cigar smoke assaulted me, causing me to cringe and cough.
“Arianna.” Nico stood from where he sat on a lounge chair surrounded by men in expensive suits all drinking liquor and smoking on cigars. “I didn’t expect you back so soon.”
“Hmm.” I smiled weakly, trying to avoid breathing all of the smoke in. My eyes watered from it as I tried to seem unbothered. “I won’t bother you; I’m just going downstairs for a while.” He walked over and kissed my temple with a crease in his brows.
“Everything okay?” He asked quietly and I nodded, unwilling to lie directly.
“I’m just tired, I’m going to go rest for a while.”
“Are you well?” He tilted my head back to look down into my eyes.
“Get back to your,” I paused, looking over his shoulder to the men who looked quite merry and not at all businesslike, “meeting. I’ll be fine.”
“I’ll be down when I’m done,” He said as I disentangled from his hold. It was his way of saying he didn’t buy it, but I had to get away from him and the peering eyes.
“Excuse me,” I smiled politely to the men who nodded back in greeting and made it to the staircase before taking a deep breath of fresh air. “Jesus,” I groaned, running down the steps with Molly at my heel.
“He won’t wait long before coming down,” She said quietly.
“I know. I just need to shower and get into bed.”
“Okay.” She opened the door and held it open for me and I rushed in.
And then froze still in my tracks as I took in the sight before me, causing Molly to crash into my back.
A woman laid out in the center of my bed, naked, with her head propped up on her elbow smiling seductively towards the door, like she was waiting for someone. When she saw me she simply raised an eyebrow and sat up, not even bothering to cover up her body. “Hello.”