Page 84 of Sinister Vows
“Someone has come aboard that wasn’t expected,” she answered quickly, “I don’t know who it was, but I know it sent Matteo on edge.” She put the shawl over my shoulders, running her hands up and down my arms when she felt the chill on my skin. Moments ago I had been burning from the inside out for my sexy husband, but now I was frozen with dread.
“You were with him?” I questioned as Dio and Saul walked into the room, taking guard at each entrance. “What is going on?” I snapped at them, noticing the way they scanned the room and the exits closely.
“Nothing, Ma’am,” Saul answered.
“Bullshit,” I snapped again. I would storm out and investigate for myself if I thought I stood even a little bit of a chance of getting past them. But I knew better.
They weren’t just there to keep the intruder out; they were there to keep me in.
Minutes turned into ten. Then twenty. I paced the floor, back and forth as I struggled to contain my anger and fear. Even Molly’s sweet banter couldn’t distract me. When the door opened again, I whipped my head around and my breath caught in my throat when Nico walked in with the ‘intruder’ beside him.
“Carmine?” I whispered in shock, before rushing forward and flinging myself into his arms. His familiar scent wrapped around me, and I took a deep breath, trying to convince myself he was real.
I hadn’t seen any of my family in almost a month, the longest I’d ever gone. And I didn’t realize how much I missed him until right that moment. “Easy, Sunshine,” He chuckled, using my childhood nickname. “You’re going to break my back squeezing me so tight.”
“What are you doing here?” I leaned back looking up into his face, trying to read him for any sign of distress. I looked over at my husband who watched us with a scowl on his face but offered nothing else.
“I was in the area and wanted to stop by.” Carmine winked at me, and I dropped my arms to my sides.
“Hmm.” I sassed at his obvious lie.
He rolled his eyes and nudged my shoulder. “I had business to discuss with, Nicolas.”
I turned my attention back to my husband, who still stood over us with a dark expression on his face. “And you couldn’t do that with me in the room?”
Nicolas shrugged, not giving away anything else from his demeanor. “I didn’t want to ruin the ambiance of the evening with boring business.”
“Hmm.” I repeated, pursing my lips before looking back at Carmine, “Are you staying with us?”
He chuckled and shook his head. “It would be rude to impose on a honeymoon.”
“Glad we agree on that,” Nico grunted with no humor, and I cringed at the awkwardness.
“Come, sit.” I shook off my husband’s presence and pulled Carmine to the sofa as Molly, Dio, and Saul walked out of the room. “Everyone is, okay?” I questioned as soon as his ass hit the couch.
“Everyone is fine,” He said, chancing a glance at Nico who stood leaning against the tall bar with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Are you planning on hovering over us the entire time?” I snapped at my husband, and his brows rose fractionally, expressing his dislike for my tone.
Nico worked his jaw back and forth a few times, flicking his gaze from my brother to me, and then stood up off the bar. “I’ll give you two some time to visit,” he sent a pointed glare at my brother, “But not too much time. It is our honeymoon after all.”
“Yes, yes.” Carmine nodded, “I won’t keep her long.”
“Good,” Nico said, but instead of turning and walking out of the room, he stalked his way toward us until he stood over me, and leaned down, gently sliding his hand around the front of my throat to tip my head up. “Ten minutes, Little One.” He instructed. “Don’t make me come looking for you.” He kissed me, tilting my head the way he liked and deepening it until I opened my lips for him and gave in to his demands.
The kiss wasn’t for me, and I wasn’t stupid enough to think it was. It was a show of dominance over me and my brother. He intended to remind Carmine who I belonged to now.
And it worked. Because as he stalked back out of the room, my eyes stayed glued to him as I tried to calm my erratic heartbeat. When he finally was out of sight, I felt my brother’s eyes on the side of my face and a blush crawled up my neck.
“Interesting,” Carmine mused from next to me and I glared at him. His amused grin slid off his face as quickly as it appeared though as he took my hand in his. “Are you well?”
“What do you mean?” I asked, confused by his question.
“Does he treat you well?” he clarified, “Are you safe?”
“I’m-” I paused, shaking my head, “Yes. I’m fine.”
“Just fine?” he pressed on.