Page 86 of Sinister Vows
He was too dependent on the baby I carried in my stomach already, without even knowing of its existence yet.
“Father doesn’t plan to marry you off as a divorcee, Sunshine.” Carmine reasoned, “He plans to marry you off again as a widow.”
“No!” I cried, covering my mouth in shock. “He can’t.” My world was spinning around me, and I felt lightheaded as I tried to process everything. “He doesn’t get to do that!” I yelled, standing up in anger. Carmine grimaced and pulled me back down to the couch next to him.
“Stop yelling!” he hissed. “I didn’t tell Nico of Father’s plan yet because I wanted you to have a choice in the matter first.” I glared at him but forced myself to take a deep breath and calm myself down. “If you stay with Nico, there will be war between our family and the entire Cosa Nostra.” My eyes rounded at the implication and guilt that threatened to consume me, but he wasn’t done. “Our siblings won’t be safe from the fall out Arianna, there’s a real chance that one or more of them could get hurt in the process.”
“And if I don’t stay with Nico,” I hissed, “He’ll be dead!”
“And the entire Cosa Nostra will be at war with us for it.”
I groaned, falling back into the cushions. “Then what the fuck are we supposed to do?”
“Outsmart Papa at his own game,” Carmine said plainly. “Father won’t expect you to choose Nico over him. He’s demented into thinking that you’ll be revolted by the life you have with The Don and will gladly choose to come home rather than stay married to such a dangerous man. My guess is he will spin whatever lies he believes will convince you to go along with his plan. But if you tip off Nicolas to the plan, we can outsmart him, before this war claims anyone else.”
“You’re talking about killing Father.”
“If we remove him from the equation, the Cosa Nostra and the Rosetti’s can live in peace together with me leading the family. You can be happy in your marriage to a man you clearly are falling for, and our bloodline connection will ensure a long and prosperous life for our siblings and our children to come.”
“You make that sound so easy,” I quipped, overwhelmed.
“It can be, if we work together. If that’s what you truly want,” He held his hand up to the room we were sitting in. “If you’re happy as Mrs. Capasso and want to live this life for all it’s worth, I will help make sure Nico stays alive and in power for you to do that.”
“And what about Cristian? And Amelia and Anita?” I questioned, “What happens to them if you kill Father.”
“Amelia and Anita can choose love,” He answered honestly, “They will never know the fear and despair that I couldn’t save you from, Sunshine. The barbaric blessing ceremony and arranged marriages end with yours.”
“And Cristian? Will he allow you to usurp Father and keep Nico in place after he put him in the hospital?”
“Yes,” Carmine answered instantly. “Because Nico was within his right and had more than enough chance to kill our brother last night for what Father did. Father knew that which is why he instructed Carmine to show up at the warehouse without reason last night. He set him up, trying to force your hand to his plan. He knew you’d choose family over Nicolas if your husband was responsible for the death of your brother. Father willingly sacrificed our brother to best the Don.”
“Then why didn’t he kill him?” I asked aloud, even though I already knew the answer.
“You, Ari,” Carmine confirmed. “Nicolas spared him for you. Because regardless of what he wants everyone to think, I think your husband is just as ensnarled in your web as you are in his.” I rolled my eyes with a groan as Carmine rushed on, “That’s not a bad thing, Sunshine. It means you have a real shot at happiness here.”
“I don’t want anyone else to get hurt,” I stated.
“I know, me either.”
I stayed quiet as I processed everything that he had told me until I was left with only one option. “I have to tell Nicolas.” I stood up from the couch, looking down at my brother. “I have to warn him.”
He nodded his head, standing up and sliding his arms around me. “You have my support, Ari, not that you needed it.”
“Yeah,” I whispered, lost in thought, “Let’s hope it doesn’t get either of us killed.”
Chapter 19 – Nico
“Doyouthinkhe’stelling her about Cristian?” Matteo asked from the chair across from me at my desk.
I tilted back my third rocks glass of liquor since I left Ari and Carmine to talk in the salon twelve minutes ago.
When I had instructed her that she only had ten.
“Probably,” I grimaced, fighting every single thing inside of me that was trying to make me storm into the salon and kick Carmine off the yacht. Was she angry with me? Hurt? Was she planning on packing her things and trying to leave me as I sat here and worried?
“What do you think she’ll do?” He sipped his liquor, feigning calm much better than I was.