Page 89 of Sinister Vows
“After we’ve tightened his belt so fucking tight around his own throat, he’ll have no choice but to come out of hiding to mend some of those connections. When he does that, we’ll take him.”
“And what will you do with him then?” Luca asked with a brow raised and a smirk pulling on his lips.
“Let’s just say his death will not be a quick one,” I affirmed, “I plan to take my time with him, make an example out of him for anyone else who thinks that going against the new Don is a viable thing. Because it’s not. I’ll eradicate each traitor one at a time until all that exists are loyal men in my streets. I reward loyalty well, and in the end, those rewards will be far larger with the fat cut out of the family.”
Everyone nodded and agreed with the plan, enjoying the prospects of bigger cuts for their dealings with the Cosa Nostra for being loyal to me.
I raised my glass and toasted the men gathered, “Then let us drink to our good fortune and the end of an era dictated by men unworthy of leading.”
The veiled theory was there for them to read easily enough. My father had ruled with an iron fist, but only in the ways that were most lucrative for him personally. Many good men struggled under his powerful rule, simply because he was greedy.
Hence why he was such a good ally with Emilio, he leached himself onto the Rosetti fortune that Arianna’s grandparents had made, and in return, Emilio ran unchecked for far too long.
Doing things like allowing his daughter to be raped by a priest and tormenting his other children in the name of power.
Fucking pig. It was time to take him to the slaughterhouse.
“DoyouthinkEmiliowill come out himself when his dealings start falling through?” Matteo asked me after all the others had left. Arianna retired to the primary bedroom to get ready for bed, the fatigue was evident on her pretty face, and I was left to wrap up the meeting with my second.
“I think he will. He’s too greedy to leave it to his sons to handle and Emilio knows that the cartel and others won’t deal with anyone but the top. So he’ll surface eventually.”
“What will you do in the meantime?”
“We’ll retire to Armarow again in the morning and wait him out. I don’t want Arianna in the city any longer than she needs to be. It’s bad enough that I can’t continue our honeymoon with her currently because I need to be able to come and go as needed, but I won’t keep her chained in this tower amongst the rot and smog of the city.”
He raised his eyebrows in surprise and smirked, “You act like she’s a delicate flower.”
“She’s as strong as an oak tree, Matteo,” I challenged. “But the tiny baby she carries in her stomach is a delicate flower and I won’t risk either of their safety.”
His mouth fell open as I gave him the news I’d held to myself for the last twenty-four hours and I tried to ignore how good it felt to tell someone. “Arianna is pregnant?” He clarified.
“Yes. Six weeks or so. Dr. Travis will confirm when we return to Armarow.”
“Wow,” he shook his head, with a shit-eating grin on his face before walking over to me and slapping his hand on my back. “I can’t believe you’re going to be a father.” He shook his head again. “I can’t think of anyone more deserving than you, but still, I didn’t think I’d see it in my lifetime. Unless you knocked up some side piece like Edna.”
“Oh fuck off.” I shrugged him off as he laughed at his own joke. “I assure you; I would have killed Edna before I allowed her to carry the Don’s baby.”
“But you’re happy about Arianna carrying your child?” he asked for clarification.
“Ecstatic,” I confirmed. “I started trying to get her pregnant the first time I had her. That was always my intent. And if I have any say in it, this will be the first of many babies she brings into the world for me.”
“Well fuck,” he smirked again, “I’m happy for you.”
“Good, because you’re going to be staying here in the city in my absence for the immediate future. Which means you’ll miss seeing the rest of Molly’s new wardrobe.”
He rolled his eyes, dropping the smile. “You’re impossible, man. I’ve already told you, nothing is going on there.”
“Right,” I nodded, walking away from him in search of my wife. “And I’m the pope.”
“Nope, just a high priest here to deflower virgin Mary,” He called out as I left the room, and I flipped him off.
Chapter 20 – Arianna
Islidthesilknightgown over my body and looked into the floor-length mirror that lined one side of the master closet. I turned to the side and slid my palm over my flat abdomen, imagining what it would look like once it started swelling with life.
“You’ll be breathtaking with a baby bump,” Nico’s warm voice called from behind me a second after I felt his presence.
“For someone who claims not to have a clue what runs through my head, you sure do read it pretty well,” I sassed, looking over my shoulder at him before looking back in the mirror. My breasts were swollen and sensitive and I was exhausted, but other than that, I had no other visible signs of pregnancy yet.