Page 93 of Sinister Vows
My jaw snapped shut as I tried to tell myself he was lying, making up the story to appease me. But as he stopped right in front of me, I knew deep in my gut that he was telling the truth. “Would falling to your knees have been such a bad thing?” I whispered, “Think of all the anger and hurt we could have saved each other from those first few days.”
He watched me keenly before lifting his hand to the side of my face and running his thumb over the apple of my cheek. “I couldn’t allow that to happen before I knew what kind of person you were, Arianna.” He tapped his finger on my chest, “In here. It was so important to me to come out on top that I had to play the game right. And bowing to you in front of your father at that moment would have been the end of us having a real chance at happiness. He would have manipulated it and infested it with his motives.”
“I know.” I sighed sadly, hating that he was right. “Doesn’t mean I have to like that some other woman’s vagina juice was on you when you took my virginity.”
“Vagina juice?” He quirked a brow at me and smirked, “I’ve used protection with everyone else but you. You’re the only woman I’ve ever wanted a future with. And do you think I don’t shower?”
“There have been times that you’ve smelt worse than others, so it’s hard to tell.” I joked, feeling the tension freeing up in my shoulders.
“You’re trouble.” He tightened his fingers into my wild hair and pulled my head back to look up at him. “And I fucking love it, most times.”
“But not now?”
“No.” He replied, “Not when it’s left me with a hard cock, and you absent of the orgasm you were chasing.”
“Hmm.” I hummed, sliding my hands up his bare chest to circle the back of his neck as he lifted me into his arms. “But you still love me, right?”
He walked until my back pressed against the glass wall overlooking the city beneath us and the sharp contrast of the cold surface against my overheated body sent shivers through my system. “More than anything else.” He sighed “And don’t think I don’t already know that you’ll use that against me in our life together.”
I licked my lips as he pulled his hips back and lined back up, sinking into me with slow perfection until he was buried all the way. “Just think, when there are a couple of mini-mes running around as you plan, you won’t ever be free of that feeling of being wrapped around someone’s finger.”
He pulled his hips back and then slammed into me again with a wicked grin on his rough lips. “That sounds delightful. I think I’d better practice making them so I’m good to go right after you give birth to this one.”
Nicowasworkingaroundthe clock to find my father. He went into hiding right before Carmine’s warning to us about his plans.
I spent my time alone in the peace and tranquility of Armarow and played out possible outcomes of the whole sordid mess constantly. Some involved Nico causing my father’s death. And some involved the father of my unborn child meeting his demise at the hands of my father.
And I was physically pained by only one of those two possibilities.
I wasn’t even the least bit ashamed to say that if anything bad happened to Nico, I’d be devastated, yet I wouldn’t blink twice if my father passed.
My father had made his bed where I was concerned, and I wouldn’t lose any sleep over him once he was gone. My mother was also a wanted woman. Which was news to me when one of Nico’s men asked about what would be done with her when it was all said and done. Something about the way he said it, paired with the statement about her ruining his life years ago, felt ominous.
I didn’t like my mother, but I also didn’t particularly hate her either. There were times when I was growing up that I’d catch small little glimpses of the once young girl who was married off like cattle, forced to go through the blessing ceremony, and then used to reproduce heirs to my father’s will. And when I would get those small snippets of humanity from her, I pitied her.
Empathized with what she had gone through.
But they were so fleeting and inconsistent that the feeling of compassion for her now after everything else happened, didn’t come.
But when I found myself resolved to let her meet her fate at the hands of Nico’s men, I remembered how I carried life inside of me and a tiny part of my soul ached for my baby to have a grandparent.
Both of Nico’s parents passed away, first his mother when he was a young boy, and then his father a few years ago. He had half-siblings, from women that his father dated even before his mother died, but from the small bits of information that Nico gave me when I asked, he didn’t maintain a relationship with any of them after he cut their mothers off with the passing of his father.
He didn’t like to talk about it much and I didn’t press him. He loved his mother, and the way his father treated her while they were married burned deep in his gut. I understood his dislike for those involved in that treatment, even if they were innocent kids themselves at the time.
I had my own siblings who would be in the baby’s life if I could help it.
Anita and Amelia would both melt over a baby to spoil, I just had to keep them safe through all of the darkness headed our way, thanks to our father.
“Wife,” Nico’s warm voice snapped me out of the torturous thoughts that were consuming me as he entered the library where I was resting. I looked up at him as he neared the chair I was reading in and instantly felt on edge from the dark look in his eyes. “You have a phone call.”
He held out a cell phone to me, “Who is it?”
“Carmine,” Nico said, offering nothing else.
I took the phone from him and put it to my ear, “Carmine?” I felt Nico standing above me but didn’t look at him.
“Hey, Sunshine,” My brother replied and I could hear the smile in his voice. “How are you doing, kiddo?”