Page 56 of The Darkest Ones
“I'm not quite done with you. I want to test something.”
He releases me from my bonds, then urges me onto my back and restrains me again, spread-eagled. I'm even more grateful for the blindfold now. This is too exposed. I want to beg him, but I'm not sure what I would be begging for. So I remain quiet and hide in this darkness he's offered me.
I hear his footsteps retreat. I hear things being moved around in that box he got the blindfold out of. Then he returns to me and sits beside me on the bed.
“I'm going to ask you some questions, Pretty Toy. And it's very important for your own safety that you tell me the truth. I'm good at spotting liars. You do not want to test me. Do you understand?”
“Y-yes, Master.”
“Good. Do you masturbate?”
“Yes, Master,” I whisper.
He releases one of my hands. “Show me how you do it.”
“Please...” Even after all he's seen... even after how he's touched me and watched me come, I can't touch myself while he watches. I just... can't.
“I can still punish you,” he says.
I don't want him to punish me. I'm too afraid after what I saw of Seven's back that if he gets started, if he gets too much of a taste for hurting me, he won't stop, and I won't survive it. Or if I do, I'll wish I hadn't.
My hand drifts down between my legs, and I begin to stroke my clit. I can feel his intense gaze on me. I feel like he's studying me, evaluating me—as though I'm getting some sort of performance review.
“Stop,” he says.
My hand stills over my pussy.
“Do you not go inside?”
I shake my head.
“Why not?”
I've never had a discussion with anyone about this before. It's far too private, and I don't want this to be the person I tell this to. I know there’s no right or wrong way to touch myself, but he makes me feel like there is, as though there’s something childish in my technique.
“I only have an orgasm from the outside, so I don't see the point...”
He laughs out loud at this, and heat rises into my cheeks.
“What about vibrators? Do you use vibrators?” he asks.
“On the inside or outside?”
“Hmmmm,” he says. “I don't like that. We're changing that right now. I'm going to train you to come with penetration.”
“And if I can't?” I ask, the fear threading my voice, making it come out small and quiet. Will he get a new toy, one he doesn't deem defective?
“You will. You've just never been taught properly.”
If I weren't so afraid, I would be offended that this stranger thinks he understands my body and what it is and isn't capable of better than I do. I've tried masturbating that way before. It doesn't work. It makes me feel foolish as though I'm seeking an impossible thing that everybody else is faking, and I'm just too dumb to know it's all an act.
I jump when his hand encircles my wrist. He pulls my arm back over my head and secures me the way he had me.
“What if I can't?” I ask again. I know I shouldn't keep pushing this button, but I have to know. “A-are you going to kill me?”