Page 11 of Arrogant Heir
‘Very well. Jamie it is then. She appraises me again and says, ‘Take the weight off your feet. Let’s get you something to eat, my love.’
As if on cue my stomach rumbles. ‘Funny you should say that, but I am rather hungry,’ I say. ‘I forgot all about lunch, which is silly really because you’ve all been so kind stocking up the cupboards like that.’
Bessie looks confused and Albert explains, ‘They’ve put her in the cottage.’
‘Ah, that explains it.’ She beams at me and reaches out to touch my arm in a reassuring gesture. ‘Just cause you’re hidden all the way over there in that cottage, don’t think you’re not welcome here in my kitchen, anytime you want a bite, or even just a cuppa and some company.
She pulls out a chair for me and I sit down gratefully. It’s nice to feel so welcome and makes me feel less of an intruder at Greystone.
‘Get her a cup of tea, Albert,’ she instructs him, and he hurries over to put the kettle on.
That’s when I guess they are a couple. This is getting more and more like the set ofDownton Abbey, I think as he returns a few minutes later, setting a mug of tea in front of me.
‘So, you’re here to write about the family and you’re working with Master Damian,’ Bessie says.
I nod and sip my tea while she busies herself making a pile of tasty looking sandwiches. She offers me a plateful, and I devour them hungrily.
Sebastian breezes in as if out of nowhere. ‘Here you are,’ he says, looking at me. ‘I was wondering if my brother let you out for lunch. He’s such a workaholic I thought I might have to come and rescue you, so you don’t starve to death while you’re with us.’
I laugh and roll my eyes. ‘Hardly,’ I say. ‘I was only in with him for half an hour, and we had to wrap up because he had an important call.’
Sebastian raises his blue-grey eyes to the ceiling in mock despair and then directs the full power of his charm at Bessie, while stealing a freshly made sandwich off the silver serving platter.
‘Now off with you, Master Sebastian. These are for the staff. Mrs Rochester said the family wouldn’t be needing a hot lunch today and whoever is home should order what they want individually.’ She shoos him away, but it’s obvious she’s fond of him and this is a regular occurrence. ‘Let me know what you fancy, and I’ll whip something up for you.’
‘Sadly, I’m leaving for London shortly. Business calls.’ He turns to face me, and continues, ‘Mari is coming in with me. She said to wish you luck with the book, and she hopes to be back soon. I’m afraid we must leave you in the rather gloomy company of my brother.’
I turn my face up to him and smile. He really is adorable and so easy to get along with. It’s a shame Damian isn’t as chatty, or we’d have the book done in no time.
‘What about the others? Are they still here?’ I ask.
He shakes his head. ‘Most of them popped in yesterday when Grandfather summoned us to dinner. We all work in various divisions of the business, so it’s more convenient to have our own places in London. Mother lives here, as does Grandfather, of course, and we come when we can. Or when he tells us to!’
‘And Damian? Does he live here?’ I ask. Not sure what answer I’m hoping for.
He shakes his head. ‘Oh no. He has his own suite and office at Greystone so he can work here when he needs to. He does spend time with Grandfather, learning the ropes, but he’s got his own apartment in London. A penthouse on Chelsea embankment—gorgeous view of the Thames. He’s usually there most of the time. Not sure what his plans are—you’ll have to ask him.’
Great. No wonder he resents me.He’s had to relocate to make this happen. I wonder why he didn’t just ask me to work with him in London. A vision of us alone in his fancy penthouse streams into my mind, and I quickly close it down. Obviously, we couldn’t work there just us two. We’d kill each other.
Sebastian snaffles another sandwich and then hugs Bessie. He drops an unexpected kiss on my cheek and promises to be back as soon as he can. And then I’m left at Greystone without either of my favourite Rochester siblings.
I must look forlorn because Bessie consoles me. ‘Never mind, love. Master Damian gets easier when you get to know him. They can’t all be sunny natured.’ She signals after Sebastian and laughs. ‘He’d charm the snakes out of the grass that one.’
Yes, he certainly is charming. I bite into another egg mayo sandwich and accept a refill of tea before bidding the wonderful couple goodbye and heading out to explore the gardens.
What next?
I could tell the ghostwriter was surprised by our session ending so soon, but I had to take the call. If Grandfather wasn’t so set on this book, I’d refuse to do it. Unfortunately, he’s not given me any option. People think he’s a cuddly bear who’s mellowed with age but make no mistake, he’s as tough as they come.
Rule number one,neverunderestimate Arthur Rochester.
He’s handed over the reins of Rochester Media to me, but even now he has his eyes on every big move I make. The rest of my inheritance—when it comes—is contingent on me fulfilling several criteria that the wily old fox has set out.
And not just for me. It’s the same for all my siblings. We’ve all got stuff we must do before we can inherit. I’m the eldest male heir, so more is required of me than the others. Sebastian is second in line to ‘the throne’, as I call it. Our New York cousins have their own web of criteria to meet—again, all laid out by our grandfather. He insists we all marry to continue the Rochester name. We won’t have full access to our trust funds if we don’t comply. And while he’s alive, he insists on approving our matches.