Page 29 of Make You Mine
“Rhett,” she whimpered, her back arching, her fingers working faster. She shuddered. “I need—”
Fuck yes.
“Come for me, baby girl,” I growled. “Let me see you fall apart.”
With a cry, she came, her fingers glistening as she did so. Finally—fucking finally—I allowed myself to find my own release, and I groaned her name, spilling into my hand. I brought the camera closer to my face, watching as she tried to catch her breath, her eyes closed.
“Get cleaned up, baby girl,” I rumbled. She slowly opened her eyes, nodding her head at me. “I’ll text you in the morning when you’re awake.”
A half-asleep smile pulled at her lips. “Okay. Goodnight, Rhett.”
“Goodnight, Natalia.”
I ended the call and then groaned, tossing it aside. Fuck, that had helped, but my cock was still hard.
Nothing was going to cure this except sinking into Natalia’s warm, wet body.
Two more days. Only two more days, and then I could take my ass home and bury myself inside of Natalia’s warm body.
I’d jacked off so much in the past month that my hand was starting to hurt. This shit was unacceptable. I’d never had to deal with shit like this before. She’d be lucky if the next time I had to go on a business trip, I didn’t drag her with me.
Didn’t help that I’d caught the little vixen trying to eat cookies before breakfast a couple of days ago. A simple text had reminded her that I wasalwayswatching her, and I knew everything she did. She’d flushed as she stared at my phone, sinking her pearly whites into that plump, bottom lip.
And since she’d found out, she’d been doing little things here and there that she knew she shouldn’t but wouldn’t get her into too much trouble when I got home to finally deal with her. She was seeking attention, and the bratty girl was definitely getting it.
Even now, I watched as she pushed open the door to my office, a small smile pulling at her lips. I shot her a quick text.
Rhett:Bad girls get spankings, Natalia.
She quickly pulled her phone out of her pocket and smiled down at my text. I watched as she quickly typed out a response, and a moment later, my phone vibrated in my hand.
Natalia:When are you coming home?
Poor baby.I surprisingly missed the fuck out of her, too. It was a weird feeling to have. I’d only ever had to worry about myself before, and I suddenly now had someone I cared about and wanted to be around.
Was this how she felt, too?
Rhett:Soon, baby girl.
I put my phone away and watched the presentation, already knowing I wasn’t going to commit. This was a waste of my time and resources. After a dig into the company, I saw their finances weren’t that great. They were discreetly filing for bankruptcy and trying to build income wherever they could, even if it meant making deals with men like me, who they normally steered clear of.
My phone vibrated again, this time incessantly. Silently, I slipped out of the boardroom, leaving my PA there to continue taking notes. I frowned at the call from my head of security, Gin.
“What is it?” I asked when I answered, walking to the windows to stare out over the city stretched in front of me. He wouldn’t call me unless it was extremely important, which meant no matter what I was doing, Ialwaystook his calls.
“Frederick Leonard was spotted trying to get into the house,” Gin informed me. I clenched my jaw and shoved my free hand into my pocket. It was by sheer control that I kept my cool. “Ms. Leonard is safe, Mr. Kastle. We have eyes on her. What would you like me to do about Frederick?”
I hummed, contemplating. I knew Gin would have him arrested in a heartbeat if I told him to take care of it, but I wasn’t allowing Frederick to get away with this. He was getting greedy and reckless by trying to kidnap his daughter back from me. No doubt in my mind that was what he was up to.
And he’d never fucking accomplish it. Not while I was alive.
Natalia wasmine. She wore my collar around her neck. She slept in a bed I gave her, in clothes I purchased for her. There wasn’t a single part of her that was his anymore.
I tookeverything.