Page 17 of The Sinful Side
I was going to be well and truly fucked, and not in the orgasmic way I wanted to be.
Iknocked on the front door and then took a step back, waiting for Lillian’s father to answer so I could get this shit over with. I hated facing him. Every time I saw him, rage bubbled in my gut, and I wanted to pummel my fists into his ugly face, make him pay for every time he’d ever put his hands on Lillian.
She was mine. No one else was allowed to fucking touch her.
I grimaced at my thoughts. Fuck, I needed to get a damn grip. I was losing my goddamn mind.
Shewas making me lose my mind.
This was a game. Nothing more. I couldn’t get attached. That shit wouldn’t bode well for either of us. I was too fucked up to ever have a shred of good inside of me, and Lillian…
She wastoofucking good.
The front door opened, and her father glanced out at me. He grunted before opening the door wider, revealing Lillian. She was wearing a black dress with long sleeves and a turtleneck collar. It fell to her knees, and black flats adorned her feet. Her blonde hair hung straight down her back, her makeup a bit heavier on one cheek.
He’d touched her.
Rage pulsed through my body. My blood boiled in my veins. Images of shoving his head through a piece of drywall flashed in my mind. The urge to snap his neck tingled through my fingers.
My teeth audibly ground together when I clenched my jaw, my hand curling into a fist. I turned and strode down the porch. “A word?” I called over my shoulder, not turning to see if her father followed me.
I heard his steps a moment later. I drew in a deep, calming breath before I turned to face him. I stepped close to him, towering over him by a good three to four inches. He tried standing his ground, but I saw the fear flicker in his eyes.
Maybe he saw the same monster lurking in my eyes that Lillian did.
“When I put that ring on her finger, that made her my property,” I quietly reminded him. “I don’t know how things worked where you’re from, but that’s how they work here.” I stepped a little closer to him, my chest pressing against his. “Lay another fucking hand on her, and I’ll call off this engagement faster than you can blink, and I’ll let everyone know you’re not to be trusted to uphold your end of a deal.”
He clenched his jaw, his face turning red with rage, but I didn’t give a fuck. He’d touched what was mine, and I wasn’t allowing that shit to slide. He was lucky I didn’t fucking kill him with my bare hands.
When he didn’t answer me, I spoke again. “Do we have an understanding?” I quietly asked him, making sure our voices didn’t carry.
He nodded his head once. I smiled, giving him emotional whiplash with how fast I wiped my rage away. But unlike him, I had practice with this kind of shit. A monster worse than him had raised me and taught me everything I knew. He hadn’t done it intentionally by any means. He was trying to force me into submission.
A man like me wouldneversubmit.
I was still boiling inside, but I kept that anger tightly concealed. His daughter would taste it later when I finally took what I wanted.
Her virginity. That last shred of goodness inside of her.
She couldn’t survive in this world much longer if she stayed like she was.
“Good. Glad we understand each other.” I turned to Lillian, who was standing nervously beside her mother on the porch, her hands clenched tightly in front of her. To anyone else, she looked relaxed, the perfect image of a proper, church-going daughter who had devoted her life to God.
But her eyes kept flickering to her angry father, fear briefly shining in them before she shuttered that off from the world. Her knuckles were white, her shoulders pulled a hair too far back.
She was terrified. And she had every right to be.
But she shouldn’t be terrified of him. She should be deathly afraid ofme. Because I was going to wreck her tonight.
“Sweetheart, are you ready?” I asked, holding my hand up to her.
She forced a smile to her lips and nodded, placing her hand in mine. I led her over to my car and opened the passenger door. Once she was seated, I shut it and strode around the hood, waving at her parents with a practiced smile like I hadn’t just threatened to destroy her father’s world before I slid into the driver’s seat, buckling as I pulled off onto the small street to head out of their neighborhood.
“What did you say to him?” Lillian asked quietly.