Page 34 of The Sinful Side
And I lost my shit.
“What the fuck?!” I roared, rushing forward. Father shouted my name, but I didn’t give a damn what he or anyone else had to say about my reaction. Gripping Lillian’s arm with one hand, I shoved her father back a step with the other when I reached them, making him crash against a pew and fall into another man’s lap. Lillian sagged against me, hot tears running down her cheeks, sobs tearing from her throat.
“I’ve got you, little blondie,” I whispered. “I’ve got you.”
I lifted her into my arms and strode out of the church, ignoring my father shouting at me to stop and ignoring her father yelling behind us. I quickly ate up the distance to my car. Once I had her settled in the passenger seat, I jogged around to my side and rushed to the abandoned house I’d come to think of as our spot. It was the only place I could think to go where no one would be able to find us.
And it was a safe place filled with memories of her now—memories I’d tortured myself with for the past two weeks. Maybe she would remember how free she’d felt there and talk to me. I couldn’t imagine trying to get her to say anything before then.
Lillian stayed silent the entire car ride. But she sighed in relief when I pulled down that long dirt road, making me feel like I’dfinallydone something right with her.
“Let me get you inside, little blondie,” I said softly as I unbuckled my seatbelt. I was sure the rage would hit me later. Right then, I was more concerned about her and making sure she was okay. Shit, she probably needed a hospital, but I didn’t trust anyone else with her right now.
She was too goddamn important and precious.
And she wasnevergoing back home. I didn’t give a fuck what position that put me in, but I wouldnotmake that mistake again.
I opened her door and leaned down, lifting her frail body into my arms. She weakly linked her arms around my neck. Using my hip, I pushed the door closed, then carried her into the house. Spiders welcomed us, but she didn’t even flinch. It was a huge sign that something was terribly fucking wrong.
I swallowed vomit.
I sank onto the floor with her in my arms, holding her on my lap. “How bad, Lily?” I asked her quietly.
“Bad,” she croaked. “Need water. Food. Days.” Her sentences were short and choppy, and she sounded so tired by the time she was done speaking.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket, shooting Ezra a text.
Amadeus:I know you hate the old house, but I need you to come out here with food and water for Lillian. Been days, man.
Ezra:Going to the store now. Church was unsurprisingly cut short. Questions are being raised. A lot of people are horrified by the state Lillian was brought to church. Shit is out of control. Your father can’t control it.
Ezra:He’s with me.
I relaxed at that, blowing out a soft breath. Maybe now, it wouldn’t be long before something was done about my father and the men in the community that were just like him.
“Rest for a little while,” I gently told Lillian as I rested my back against the wall behind me. “I’ve got you. I won’t let him touch you anymore, you hear me?”
“Promise?” she rasped.
I nodded, then pressed my lips to the top of her head, guilt weighing heavily on my shoulders. I’d thought I was doing everything right. Thought I was keeping her as safe as possible. My stupid ass should have never let her go back home that night, but I’d thought I could get in her room—thought I’d still have access to her.
“I promise,” I whispered, tightening my arms around her.
The only real way to protect her was to keep her by my side.
I was never fucking letting her go again. She was never leaving my side again, even if that meant I had to take her to all of my classes for the rest of the semester.
* * *
Lillian gagged and tried to crawl off my lap. I quickly stood and carried her to the door. I pushed it open, almost hitting Ezra in the face. He grimaced when she leaned out the door and threw up.
“She might need a hospital,” he quietly told me, his worried gaze settled on my girl.
I shook my head. “Not yet. Just a little more time, then I’ll take her later.”
He sighed but nodded. “Solomon is in the car—”