Page 40 of The Sinful Side
We’d been settled into our apartment for two days now, and it felt nice to be able to come home from school or work and just fuckingbreathe. No one was waiting to hurt Solomon. No one was waiting to start a fight with me. I didn’t have to worry about whether Lillian was safe.
Everything was finally beginning to look up. For once, I felt like everything just might be okay.
Lillian cleared her throat from behind me, and I turned to face her. She was shyly looking down at her feet, waiting on my approval on what she’d chosen to wear today for our small wedding ceremony.
Her blonde hair was straightened and pinned back from her face. She’d applied only a light layer of makeup, and her lips were painted a ruby red that I wanted to be wrapped around my cock. I bit back a groan and continued drinking her in, though my dick didn’t get the memo that we couldn’t fuck right now and plumped in my slacks.
She’d put on a white, floor-length dress, and it looked like she was wearing flats with it.
“Fucking gorgeous,” I assured her as I moved toward her. She looked up at me, and I gripped her chin, pressing a kiss to the corner of her lips. I didn’t want to ruin her lipstick—not right now.
But I’d enjoy ruining it later. Just as I’d enjoy seeing her mascara trail down her cheeks. I loved it when she cried for me. Butonlyfor me. The thought of her shedding those tears over anyone else made me volatile.
“Ready?” I asked her when I pulled back.
She nodded. I grabbed her hand in mine and snatched my car keys off the counter. Ezra was in class, and Solomon was in school. I hadn’t had luck in finding him a vehicle yet that wouldn’t cost me an arm and a leg, so Ezra was picking him up when school was out for the day.
“Let’s go get hitched, little blondie.”
She giggled, and my stomach tightened at the sweet sound.
She didn’t belong in our dark world, but she was in it. Now, it was up to me to protect her from all monsters…except me.
She wouldneverbe safe from me. And I was pretty sure she forever wanted to be suffocated by my danger.
* * *
“Would you like to be married in the courtroom or out in the pavilion?” the lady doing all of our paperwork asked, glancing up at us for a moment before looking back at her computer, her fingers punching keys on her keyboard.
I looked at Lillian. This would be the only time she got married, and while I knew it wasn’t the big fancy wedding she’d probably dreamed of having when she was a little girl, I still wanted her to make the choices for today.
“Outside,” Lillian told her, glancing at me. I just squeezed her hand to let her know that was perfectly fine with me.
“Alright,” the lady said after grabbing some documents from the printer a few minutes later. “Time to get your signatures.”
I grabbed a pen from the cup in front of me and handed it to Lillian before grabbing one for myself. After signing our names on all of the appropriate lines, the lady handed me our copies in a manila folder before smiling at us.
“Congratulations to you both.”
I nodded once and stood to my feet. “Thank you.”
Lillian grabbed my hand in hers. “If you go on out to the pavilion, Judge Maverick will be with you shortly.”
I nodded again and led Lillian from the room and through the dim hallway of the courthouse to walk back out. “How are you feeling?” I asked her.
She placed her hand on her belly. “A little nauseated,” she told me. I clenched my jaw, hating that she felt ill at all because of one of my careless mistakes. She blew out a soft breath. “We’re about to be husband and wife.” She looked up at me as I pushed open the door that led outside. “How does that make you feel, Amadeus?”
I shrugged. “Like you’re about to be mine and no one can take you from me,” I told her in all honesty. I wasn’t the kind of man to get excited, but I felt a deep sense of satisfaction and contentment now that she was about to be all mine.
A blush stained her cheeks, and she slipped out the door in front of me. I placed our folder of documents in the car before leading her over to the pavilion. Judge Maverick smiled at us when we approached.
“Ready to tie the knot?” he asked us.
I nodded, coming to a stop in front of him. “More than ready.”
* * *
Ezra walked in the front door, Solomon trailing behind him. Lillian was asleep, her head resting on my lap. I’d texted him earlier, letting him know we needed to try to get Lillian’s things from her father’s house. It wouldn’t be easy, but I was prepared for whatever might come our way when we did. But she needed her clothes. Buying her an entirely new wardrobe would be too expensive.