Page 10 of Reed's Reckoning
“I-I-I didn’t think about that, I’m so sorry. I wanted to fit in and they said you are like the coolest guy on campus. I thought it would help my reputation.”
My temper simmers a little thinking about my softhearted little sister and her will to always fit in. That’s what led her to Mitch, who broke her heart. I wrap my arms around her and let her cry into my chest until she starts to hiccup.
“Care Bear, you need to be careful of people like her. She’s selfish, controlling, and manipulated you before you even drove into town today. I’m nowhere close to the coolest guy on campus. I’m just a football player and student. I work out, go to class, and hang out. Lately, I’ve been hanging with just Ari. I don’t party, I don’t drink that much, and I definitely don’t let four sorority girls come to my place to get drunk.”
“Please don’t be mad at me. I want to start off on the right foot. I’ll ask them to leave and tell them we’ll meet them later okay? Maybe Ari can introduce me to some of her friends this week too.”
“Yeah, that’d be good. I have a few calls to make and I want to eat too. I have to be at the gym early tomorrow.” I hug her lightly and reach for my bag to find my phone.
I’m surprised to find my phone off and an envelope on top of my clothes. The writing looks like Ari’s, and a feeling of dread washes over me. With shaky fingers, I open the letter and fall back on my bed.
I want you to know the last few months have been a blast. I’ve really enjoyed our time together, but reality is here. You want me to follow you around the country to wherever the NFL takes you, but I’ve decided that isn’t what I want. Your dreams and mine aren’t the same anymore. Being the wife of a famous football player is against all I have worked for in my life. I don’t expect you to understand and at the same time, I can’t ask you to change.
I don’t want to see you anymore. I think it’s best for a clean break. We both have a lot to concentrate on these last few weeks and need no distractions. It’s best if we just leave this as what it was, a fling.
Good luck to you and thank you again for an awesome few months.
I remember that fucking note like it’s tattooed into my skin. After I called her phone and it was disconnected, I went to find her. Her roommate looked at me like I was crazy and told me she was staying with Luke for a while. Then I saw them on campus the next week hugging and her nuzzling into his neck. He helped her up from the ground and held her close.
“Reed, are you listening?” Ari’s voice brings me back to her kitchen where she is no longer leaning on the counter but looking at me.
“What?” I ask not recognizing my own voice.
“I said are you okay, you look pale.” Her face if full of concern and her greens eyes staring into me.
“The note said we were over, our dreams weren’t the same, you changed your mind about following me to wherever I was drafted.”
Her cry fills the room, and it’s my turn to be worried about her. The look on her face tells me she is shocked. And horrified.
“I would never do that. I loved you! You were my world. You, Sophie, Luke, and my grandma were the only people I had. Why didn’t you come to me?”
“Ari, I did come to you. I called and your number was disconnected. I went to your campus housing trying to find you.”
Tears stream down her face and she starts shaking her head again.
“I had to change my number. Your girlfriend threatened me, she threatened Luke, she tried to pull my scholarship!”
My mind races to figure out the fucking shit she just said. My girlfriend?
“What the fuck?” I hiss. Then something hits me in my gut…had a blast…
“Ari, have you ever used the word ‘blast’?”
She looks at me like I’m crazy but answers slowly. “Sure, when referring to a demolition site or a toy train explosion.”
“You didn’t write the note?” I say as more of a question than a statement.
“I already told you I didn’t write a note!”
“Reed! Lower your voice! I have a baby boy sleeping twenty feet away.”
I pace her small kitchen trying to reel in my anger. My head fills with her words and the feelings brewing inside.
“We—do you understand—we have a baby boy twenty feet away. He’s mine too. And for some ungodly reason, I’ve been kept away from him!”
Her face softens. She grabs me another beer out of the fridge and pours more wine. “I think we need to have a talk.”