Page 42 of Reed's Reckoning
“I don’t care what he regrets. He’s at the top of my shit list right now.”
“Maybe so, but think about what I said.”
He drains the last of his beer and doesn’t answer me.
“I may have something to cheer you up.” Reaching under the pillow, I pull out the paper and hand it to him.
“Oh, baby, you have everything that could cheer me up.” He runs his hand across my stomach and kisses my neck.
“Stop, I’m serious. Here.”
He takes the paper and opens it. His face lights up, the earlier sadness is gone. When he looks at me, I smile back.
“Father’s Day party at the daycare, huh?”
“Yes, you’ve officially been invited to your first fatherly event. This Friday at three.”
“This means the world to me. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, thank your son. He can’t wait to introduce you to his friends.”
He holds me against him for a while until I start to feel sleepy. I stifle my yawn, not wanting to leave the comfort of his arms.
“Ari, what time does Davis get up in the morning?”
“Usually seven, Why?”
“I want to stay here tonight. I’ll get up before he does, if you want, and leave. But I need to hold you in my arms.”
“Reed, I think it’s too soon.”
“Baby, we’re back in each other’s lives.”
“Back in your life and back in your bed are two different things. At least with one, I have boundaries.”
“Baby, you have all the boundaries you want. I’m going to tear them down. I’m prepared to wait as long as you need before I make love to you, but I want you in my arms tonight. I need it.”
The pleading in his eyes breaks any hesitancy I have. “Okay, but you have to get up at six and leave.”
“How about I get up at six and get breakfast for us. I haven’t seen him since Saturday. I can get him ready for school and help you out.”
“That’s a good plan.” I love the idea of a leisurely morning getting ready for work. “Do you need to get your bag out of your car?”
“Do you have an extra toothbrush?”
“Then no, I don’t need anything.”
He picks me up and starts toward my room. “What about your pajamas?”
He looks at me and smirks. “I still sleep in the same pajamas I did when we were together.”
Holy shit! How am I supposed to keep up my resolve when a naked Reed Matthews is sleeping next to me all night?
Chapter 13
“Arianna Williams.” I answer my desk phone irritated at the interruption. I’ve been in a dreamy fog thinking about Reed since leaving my house this morning. Last night was perfect and this morning Davis was incredibly excited to have him there.
True to his word, Reed didn’t try to have sex with me but held me all night long. I convinced him to wear his boxers in bed but had to promise he could stay over again tonight. After my day yesterday, a mind-blowing orgasm, the glass of wine, and all the heaviness of our conversation, I was exhausted and slept against his chest never moving.
“Miss Williams?” a quiet voice says on the other end.
“This is Jamie, Davis’s teacher.”
“Oh no, is everything okay?”
“Yes, of course. Davis is fine. But I noticed you listed a Reed Matthews as his guest for the Father’s Day event on Friday.”
“That’s right.” I wait for her to recognize his name and question me.
“Well, the only man we have on record as approved guests for Davis is Luke Adams. I’m afraid you will need to bring Mr. Matthews in and get him on our registry.”
Crap! How could I have forgotten about that?
“Of course, Jamie. I will try to bring him with me this afternoon. What does he need?”
“His driver’s license or some other form of picture ID.”
“Thank you, I’ll take care of it.”
“Miss Williams?” Her voice is timid and small.
“Please forgive me if I am out of line, but Davis is telling everyone Reed is his daddy. Is that true?”
“Yes, it is. It’s a very long story, honey, but it’s true. I’ll make sure you get to meet him before Friday okay?”
“Thanks so much, see you later.”
We hang up, and I text Reed to meet me at the house this afternoon so we can get him introduced to Davis’s teacher.
There’s a knock at my office door and before I can say come in, my boss, Phillip Green walks in. I smile widely at him but he doesn’t return the sentiment. He positions himself in one of the chairs in front of my desk and looks at me with concern.
“Phillip, this is a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I wish it was a good surprise, Arianna. I need to talk to you about some recent concerns brought to my attention.” His voice is serious and strong.
A pit forms in my stomach and my heart races. We’ve always had a great working relationship and I’ve never felt as nervous as I do right now with him. “What’s wrong?”