Page 67 of Reed's Reckoning
G’ma- I told you, the obstacles are worth it. Don’t give up.
I was pouring my coffee when Reed ran into the kitchen looking scared. When he saw me, he visibly relaxed but pulled me to him and held me tight. He kissed every inch of my head and whispered how sorry he was.
“Go back to bed! I’m fine.” I tell Reed as he continues to hover over me.
“Not without you in it. I need this right now. I need to feel you close.”
“What’s wrong?” I look at him with worry noticing the bags under his eyes.
He lifts his eyebrow at me.
“I mean besides the obvious drama? Why are you acting like this?”
“Like what? Like the woman of my dreams was not in bed when I woke up after a night full of shitty revelations? Like I’m scared you may have bolted? Like I need to feel your soft skin on mine to sleep?”
“Are you kidding me? That’s the most fucking pussy whipped pass I ever heard.” Jack groans from one of the couches and my cheeks burn with embarrassment.
Reed pours a cup of coffee and leads me to the patio. We sit and watch the early morning walkers and I enjoy the view. I realize he is only in his boxers and run inside to get him some shorts.
As he slips them on, I remember the tattoo I’ve wanted to ask about.
“Reed, tell me about the tattoo on your leg.”
“It’s for my dad. I had the artist draw outline and then inked the number of touchdowns and running yards I made prior to going pro. It seems weird to put a tattoo on your thigh, but he always believed in me, and my ability to run, sprint, avoid situations, and be quick on my feet. I know you don’t know this, but there aren’t a lot of white wide receivers with the speed I have. I’m not being racist, but truthful. My dad always gave me encouragement when it came to my dreams of being a receiver. When I was drafted, I got the tattoo as a tribute to him.”
“That’s really beautiful.”
“Not really the way I look at it, but whatever.” He squints at me.
“What? It is beautiful.”
“Babe, you really need to get some masculine terms in your vocabulary. Beautiful, lovely? Can’t you say something like badass?”
“I like my terms.”
“Well, in that case, why don’t you like your terms and scoot over here? You’re too far away.”
I take my coffee and sit in his lap, where he folds me into his arms.
“Nothing changes, Angel, nothing. I have a few things I need to look into this week, but nothing between us changes. I love you, you love me. We move forward with us. Today, we go back to the beach with our friends. Tonight, I grill again and we introduce Davis to s’more’s. Tomorrow we take Mom to brunch. Nothing changes, promise me.”
“I promise. But what about your sister?”
“Right now, she doesn’t exist to us. Mom will tell me what happened last night and I’ll share, but she made bad decisions and doesn’t get to ruin our weekend.”
“What about the two lumps on the couches? What do we do about them?”
“Unfortunately, they’re a fixture too. We had some type of bonding ritual last night, and I guess we’re stuck with them.”
I giggle thinking about the three guys, and what could have happened when I fell asleep. “Okay, honey, but I think tonight we should offer them a bed.”
“I’ll think about it,” he says before kissing me so sweetly I think I may melt.
“Mommy! I need to go potty and there’s no tissue.” Davis interrupts us dancing nervously.
“Alright, little man, I’ll take care of it. Meet you in the bathroom.” Reed tells him and wiggles against me. He scoots me off his lap and heads inside to help.
I go inside to refill my coffee and find Jack in the kitchen looking through the refrigerator. He glances back and grins slyly.
“I owe you a huge apology and I think my famous French toast will help with your forgiveness.” When he stands, he is almost a foot taller than me. I notice one of his nipples is pierced and the man is seriously built. Not as lean and muscular as Reed but still hot. He catches me checking him out and chuckles.
“Woman, you’re as good as taken to the chapel, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
Oh my God! How embarrassing! “I-I-I-I wasn’t , I mean your good looking, but—”
“Don’t worry, honey. I’m just messing with you.”
“Jack! Put on some clothes! You ass, should I kick you out again?” Reed walks up and turns me into him.
“Nah, man, I can’t help I gave your woman a good sight. Maybe you should take better care of her.”
Reed growls and I feel his chest vibrate. I can’t help but start to giggle. Before I can stop it, I am in an outright laughter fit. Both men look at me crazy but I enjoy the tears running down my cheeks.