Page 73 of Reed's Reckoning
“Angel, it means the world to my mom and me. Thank you.”
I can tell he wants to talk about more but leans in and kisses me deeply. I get lost in his embrace and lift closer to feel his skin against my chest. This isn’t just a kiss of need or hunger; it’s full of passion and intensity. He’s communicating how important it is that I remembered his family tradition. I let him control our movements but try gracefully to rearrange my legs so that I straddle him instead. We grind against one another for a few minutes until I remember where we are. I lean back slowly catching my breath and stare into his crystal blue eyes that are swimming in desire.
“One day very soon, I have plans for you in this hot tub. But now, I want you in the bed.” He lifts me up and gets the towels on the banister. I hop down and wrap myself up while he does the same then leads me to the bedroom.
I’m surprised to see the bed has been pulled back and is covered in pink post-it notes. There are dozens of them stuck everywhere. When I get closer, I see a word written on each one in Reed’s handwriting.
Love, Cherish, Adore, Exquisite, Devine, Amazing, Treasured, Beautiful, Extraordinary…
“Every single one of those notes has a word that describes how I feel about you. I would have covered the walls with more of them, but I ran out of paper.” He curls around me from behind and sets his chin on my shoulder. “For the rest of our lives together, I will tell you how important and loved you are. You will never feel like the scared and abandoned twenty-one year old again.”
“No, Angel, you told me on the beach a few weeks ago that there were three worst nights of your life and one was when your parents died. I know now the other two have to do with me. You will never have another night like that if you stay with me.”
“Where would I go?”
“With all the shit that happened the last few days, I’m scared you’ll end up blaming me for my sister’s actions. The way this all went down and her showing up with Alex may trigger something in you. I saw the look of horror on your face.”
“It’ll be okay. I’m trusting you, Reed, with my heart. It’s yours again, I’m not sure if it ever wasn’t. But we both need to move on.”
“Agreed, now how about you let me start proving to you how loved you are?”
I bite down on my lower lip and turn into him. Without moving out of his embrace, I untie the strings on my top and throw it to the side. His eyes grow and he grins down at me. “I’m all yours.”
“Forever, Ari, you’re all mine forever.”
Monday mornings are never fun, but they are more bearable when Reed is around to help with Davis. He offered to take him to school so I could go in a little early. The emails have already started coming in this morning regarding a high profile new client. Phillip also sent me a message about a luncheon as well. I pour my coffee into a travel mug mentally tackling my to-do list.
“Mommy, why’s there a pink note on your butt?” Davis asks.
I reach around and pull the post-it off. The word sexy is scribbled in Reed’s handwriting.
“Daddy was trying to tell me something.”
“Um, I guess he likes this skirt.” I haven’t had enough coffee to think of a more reasonable answer.
“Yes, he does like that skirt and that top, and the strappy heels too.” Reed comes in, fresh from the shower wearing a business suit. He kisses me quickly and gets a coffee mug.
“Wow, you look gorgeous. Why are you so dressed up?”
“I have a meeting with my lawyer today.”
I nod my head but don’t say anymore because we agreed not to discuss it in front of Davis. He doesn’t even know what a birth certificate is, but we don’t want him to repeat it.
“You got that meeting quick considering we just talked about him last night.”
“Angel, when you have my kind of money, people make time for you.”
“Cocky much?”
He raises and eyebrow and grins. “Cocky huh? Want me to show you cocky?”
My faces flames; I walked right into that one. “No! I mean, not right now.” I stammer.
“Davis, why don’t you go grab your shoes and let’s get going.”
He jumps out of the chair and I start to clean up his breakfast mess.
“Leave that babe. I have a cleaning woman coming today. We’ve got about one minute before he comes barreling back in here and I want a kiss.” He grips me from behind and turns me into him. He gently nips at my bottom lip until I open and then he slides his tongue into my mouth. He kisses me, really kisses with such passion and heat I wonder if we have time to go back to the bedroom. Warmth floods my core and I fist his jacket in my hands holding him. We pull apart slowly and he peppers my face with pecks before lifting my chin so I meet his gaze.